How would you feel about a deluxe line from Sideshow...

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Super Freak
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May 1, 2008
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Mission Top Secret, Destination Unknown!
Mods.. Sorry if this is already an active thread. And I think it should be a poll, I just couldn't figure out how to do it. :banghead

OK, with the release of Hot Toys DX line, I started thinking what if SideShow did something similar.

Say a character such as Ep 3 Anakin.
several headsculpts
multiple hands
normal and battle (Mustafar) damaged tunic and tabards
lightsabers (duh)
holo Sidious
and whatever else, etc.

Or Jango Fett
Pilot head sculpt,
both jetpacks,
head stump :naughty
multiple guantlets

I think you guys get the idea.

Would you pay $150-180 for a product like that?
Whould you pay more?

I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on it. But, mostly I am curious to hear everyone's idea of the perfect Deluxe Figure. :chew
I dunno, i think if SS could improve their paint applications on figures like the EPIII Anakin..i mean lots of the core characters were made by them already now, they did not rape our wallets though for these figures which is a, if they could prove they can play ball with Hot Toys calibur quality in sculpt,paint,accessories etc...then i would probally buy another SS EPIII Anakin or Obi from Sideshow no problem.
I agree with Valfar 100% If SS could make a ANH Han that of the quality of HT's God Father I would buy a new one from then in a second. That goes for many of the figures they have done.
it would be a great idea but since I don't collect the 12" figure, I would like the idea applied to PF. I would gladly pay $299-$350
Yeah, Sideshow needs to 'catch up' to Hot Toys when it comes to their paint apps; just too inconsistent....

Hot Toys has definitely raised the bar....

I do love the idea of a deluxe line, yes. How about a deluxe paint job for those willing to pay extra?
It would definitely get me into collecting SW figures. But I feel a "DX" line is a bit superfluous considering SS is (usually) already good with the amount of accessories they include with figures.

And isn't the Han and Luke Stormie 2-pack sort of a Deluxe set anyway? Same thing goes for the Palpatine/Sidious set.

I think what a lot of people might want is an updated line with revamped sculpts and paint apps. Well, I can only speak for myself. I got into the 1/6 game a bit later than most (2007-ish) and Sideshow's SW line was already over the crest by then.
Hard to say right now, so far Hot Toys' DX figures have yet to really set themselves apart from a standard release, we've only got 2 figures to go by in terms of what a DX figure entails, and thus far, the PERS eye technology is a big factory, which would be nice if SSC adopted, but who knows on that, LED lit bases, which is no big deal to me, and 2 full costumes based on Joker.

I'd like some characters to be more a deluxe package from Sideshow than separate figures, but I also know from their own commentary, multiple figures is often to balance out costs.

For example, Darth Vader, I'd be more up for a DX type situation, including whatever heads, armor pieces and saber hilts were needed to create each unique look of Vader, and just the one base body and costume, but Vader being a unique body likely to only be used for him, they need to seel multiple Vaders to spread out the R&D to make that body and all.

I'd also like a DX style Chewbacca with all his weapons from all his films and swappable heads, but likely, same as Vader it'd be multiples to justify the development costs.

I can think of characters that would really work nice from some of Sideshow's 1/6 lines as deluxe versions, but I just don't see it happening.

So far, of the two DX figures from Hot Toys, only the Joker offering two full figures in one box, though only one base body, is the only really deluxe pacakge. Batman seems no more encompassing really than a Hot Toys Predator. I'm really anxious to see more DX figures from HT to see just what DX really means, if the PERS and bases are the real set apart features or will most be more full 2 in 1 sets like Joker or what.
Didn't SSC speak of more accessories coming with each figure as compared to Hasbro when they started the 12" line. That aside, I would gladly pay for a "deluxe" set if it comes with more accessories.:)
I am not a fan of the DX series or the concept of deluxe figures that are released after the initial 'standard' ones. I rather pay the money upfront the FIRST time.
IMO the meaning of a "deluxe" Sideshow figure would be the same quality and package as a NORMAL HT figure....
I think the base quality of all figures (mostly paint on humans) would need to be improved before I would be comfortable with a deluxe series. In general Sideshow is making many improvements, but the paint is still just not up to what I'd like to be seeing.

ANH Luke being a prime example, he's close... but the beady eyes just don't work.
Partial environments (like the Idol chamber that came with the Exc. Belloq) should be also included in a deluxe line...

-Greedo with the Cantina booth
-Tarkin with his meeting room chair
- Emperor with his ROTJ throne

I'd be all over these... And then multiple deluxe characters (similar to the Hasbro 3 3/4 line) that would be put together to make the Cantina bar from ANH for example (Hammerhead, Walrus face... etc).
I am not a fan of the DX series or the concept of deluxe figures that are released after the initial 'standard' ones. I rather pay the money upfront the FIRST time.

I'm with Justin on this. And I believe Sideshow is already doing the fullest treatment with some of their figures. I also think Sideshow is progressively getting better and better with each major release.

And I'm torn about Hot Toy's DX idea because it's annoying to those who bought early and now feel like they got screwed and compelled to buy the new set. Although it's good for people who missed out the first time around and now have the chance to get something even better!

If they want to make improvements on older figures, I would want them to wait til the line is close to being complete, and come back with variations on some of the early figures and give them the "deluxe" treatment at that point. For instance, they can do an improved Jedi Luke with everything he came with the first time, a better headsculpt and add the Endor camo and maybe the handcuffs--and just call it "Endor Luke". Otherwise, revisiting older figures now when we're still waiting on some core characters like the droids and Chewie can be frustrating to a lot of us ("why are we getting ANOTHER Luke when we're still waiting on so-and-so?!?").

And I think they should really consider doing more expansion packs/ accessories like making the Stormie belts available for Han and Luke.
Sideshow's quality is a bit hit and miss still. Compared to what they used to give us, I'm not sure that double and triple their old prices has been justified accept that we are getting some very cool licenses now like Star Wars.

Hot Toys consistantly sets the mark for 1/6, and it's great that Sideshow is the primary U.S. distributor for them, but overall production quality of Sideshow figures still isn't up to Hot Toys standards on most figures. If they adopt the product quality and production standards Hot Toys has, I would be very happy to see some DX Sideshow stuff. Some of their character could use an overhaul.

That said, Vader, and other armored figures out lately have been very good, and have been fairly cheap by the market standards lately, so I think Sideshow is doing well enough.