HT AvP:R 1/6 Wolf Predator Image Thread

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keep looking in the bag, i thought i had a spring missing, but it was in the instruction sheet they are 7 altogether.

I kind of dumped everything out of the bag since the bag came out loose. I better find the extra spring or else...or else Wolf gets it!
I did a little repainting of the cannons, and added some more silver to the mask.



I also got the springs out of his cannon's way.



Yes I am aware that I need to clean up some paint slop on the cannons.
I did a little repainting of the cannons, and added some more silver to the mask.


1 more thing you should do bro, take a hairdryer to Wolf's mandibles & set them right.I did this to both of my Wolfs & they look great! An easy fix dude. BTW what kind of silver paint did you use for his helmet? It looks killer!! :D :monkey5
I used Tamiya Aluminum.
I will do, you mean straighten them out?
Yep, basically on the un-burned part of Wolf's face.
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no no no way to put any avp mask on wolf head, sincerelly i'm not so happy of how the wolf mask fit in place , it has to stay pressed on the cheekbone through the exact cast of it, it's a cool way yes , it's cool that the mask at its interior has the cast of wolf face but come off so easily and this is annoying sometime...
no no no way to put any avp mask on wolf head, sincerelly i'm not so happy of how the wolf mask fit in place , it has to stay pressed on the cheekbone through the exact cast of it, it's a cool way yes , it's cool that the mask at its interior has the cast of wolf face but come off so easily and this is annoying sometime...

I agree. :monkey3
I am still waiting on mine :( have been soo tempted to get one off ebay, so I can have it early! But will be worth the wait :D
I am still waiting on mine :( have been soo tempted to get one off ebay, so I can have it early! But will be worth the wait :D
You definitely don't want to miss out on getting Wolf!! I like him so much , I bought 2 of them!! He's by far my favorite pred!!!! :D I can't wait to get my cleaner version Wolf!!!! :monkey5
Ive already ordered the cleaner exclusive and regular, not missing out on those ones or waiting this time! :lol ! I might just get this guy on ebay now, then sell mine or swap him when he arrives :D

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