HT--Executive Officer---KANE

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This seems to make all the difference...

Thanks for some relief, Lordmaster! I was beginning to think I was a fool for keeping this. But that head looks great now. Don't see how anyone would not want to use it. If you have Dallas, you have a pristine suit with human face -- so Kane screams to have his visor cracked and facehugger inside.

Maybe you could give us a pic of the facehugger in helmet, lights on? Please...

Just spent about 2 hours and get this "SUCKER" repainted . May need some touch up on the hair ends a bit later , cause my eyes are quite tired now. :google



Ouch! More cancelations. So much for this line.

I totally understand though, and I'm glad people are voting with their purchasing power. Perhaps it will send a message.

Funny thing is, for Aliens HT seemed to do better when it had no license and called them model kits. Now they have to deal with the studios. I think therein lies the real problem.

I'm gonna keep my Kane order....for now... and hope that HT addresses this in some way. Not sure how, not certain they will...just hoping.

I imagine to some extent, HT expected the same devotion to ALIEN figures as ALIENS. Portrait-wise, ALIENS line was a totally monstrosity, but people got repaints and new heads and it spawned into one of the most popular and sought after 1/6 lines I've ever witnessed. Now maybe it was more tolerated back then because HT was sort of growing so people may have expected less of them, but with Yulli's sculpting talents and rising prices and overall improvements in HT quality, expectations are probably much higher and tolerance much less. If HT can't get the rights, there's little they can do. I think the best way to approach HT Pred and Alien liceneses is with an expectation that from the neck down, HT's providing you all the parts for the figure you desire, which on your own would likely be impossible to accurrately scrape together, and from the neck up it's hit or miss and you're left with custom paints or heads to fix that problem.
I agree with you. Expectation and tolerance.

The thing with HT, that's always been the thing with HT: I always plan that I'll have to pay more for a superior headsculpt upgrade -- whether it's to replace the marine's heads, or it's buying another Sparrow or Joker for the v2 headsculpt. Not sure I've got any human HT figure that has kept it's original head without an upgrade.
I imagine to some extent, HT expected the same devotion to ALIEN figures as ALIENS. Portrait-wise, ALIENS line was a totally monstrosity, but people got repaints and new heads and it spawned into one of the most popular and sought after 1/6 lines I've ever witnessed. Now maybe it was more tolerated back then because HT was sort of growing so people may have expected less of them, but with Yulli's sculpting talents and rising prices and overall improvements in HT quality, expectations are probably much higher and tolerance much less. If HT can't get the rights, there's little they can do. I think the best way to approach HT Pred and Alien liceneses is with an expectation that from the neck down, HT's providing you all the parts for the figure you desire, which on your own would likely be impossible to accurrately scrape together, and from the neck up it's hit or miss and you're left with custom paints or heads to fix that problem.

So someone who knows nothing about customizing or painting shouldn't buy. Not to mention that custom headsculpts etc cost allot on top of an already very expensive item. I seriously fear the release of the P1 line.
I'm disappointed in the headsculpt too - but I can't believe people are cancelling this - look at that space suit! It's one of the coolest figures in the 1/6th world since the Dragon Apollo figures. Sure we have Dallas, but since Kane has the facehugger it's not a total loss in the sculpt department anyway.

I think people have been spoiled by HT - now they have to deliver nothing short of a miracle, or people will be moaning. And to think they did this as a deliberate mislead is really unfair. They tried to get the license - were unable to, but put the figure out anyway.

With Dutch and Billy (well Dutch anyway) the likeness is more important - there isn't a cool spacesuit. I lot of you are saying that HT shouldn't release Dutch at all if it can't have an Arnold likeness?

If they put up pics of Dutch and his face is obscured - don't order until the face is revealed - simple as that.
Will have to do that tomorrow night, ar...I mean tonight. 'cause right now is 2:00 in the morning here in Hong Kong ............ :monkey4

Thanks for all LMP. Great stuff!

Well, my thoughts distill to this.

Disappointed in the Hurt Likeness issue but I will have to think long and hard about spending another $75 for this figure for a new HS, that is, if one is decent enough to match the excellence of Dallas.

I was always more interested in the Nos Crew anyway but it seems unlikely that will happen. My wish list was for Parker and Ash, especially. Maybe that will happen but I'm not very hopeful at this point.

But the good news I think is twofold.

1) You Guys do have an opportunity to have an amazing spacesuited figure in Dallas and Kane (with new HS) and a great representation of a FH Hurt should it be repainted properly.. so that's cool.

2) I have little doubt there will be a Lucky Star Ripley and Big Chap, so if that is all HT does with the line in the furure, I will get those and I will be happy with them.

Until then, I will abstain.. and watch and wait.
After this stunt, all I'd be getting would be the ALIEN.
If they decide to make Ripley, I hope she comes with a Jonsey.

I'll simply try to score Jonsey off EvilBay.
Even though the headsculpt looks nothing like Hurt, which is a huge disappointment, I'll still be getting both figures. As Dave pointed out, outside of the one headsculpt, the figure is simply a work of art. My plan was to pose it with the face-hugger anyway but I'm definitely bummed with the lack of likeness.
Yeah, I'm so disappointed by this turn of events for a movie I really wanted a full line from. So many of the die-hard ALIEN fans are bowing out, so that's a REALLY bad sign.

Guess many will be able to pick these up during the ebay purge coming soon.

But get them quick, after the purge, these will be hard to come by as HT will not be making too many of them I imagine. Not with all the complaints about cancelations from sellers I would think they've gotten over the last few days. Even sellers might be cancelling the size of their preorders.
I'm disappointed in the headsculpt too - but I can't believe people are cancelling this - look at that space suit! It's one of the coolest figures in the 1/6th world since the Dragon Apollo figures. Sure we have Dallas, but since Kane has the facehugger it's not a total loss in the sculpt department anyway.

Thankfully I have a Dragon Apollo figure, and why are we paying so much to have to do our own paint.

I think people have been spoiled by HT - now they have to deliver nothing short of a miracle, or people will be moaning. And to think they did this as a deliberate mislead is really unfair. They tried to get the license - were unable to, but put the figure out anyway.

Absurd statement. Spoiled? At these prices. If anything we were spoiled by Sideshow in the first instance. Which people are expecting a miracle? I just want what I pay for. If you think people are moaning, you are wrong. We're groaning. Groaning with reason. Don't join the choir of gushing fanboys, Dave, blinded to their wrongs, and singing their praises like a bleeting sheep. Of course I think it's a deliberate mislead because they had it on sale in their shop before they disclosed the headsculpt. They have a news section on their site. Where was their disclosure that license approval had been denied? No, instead they did the sleazy thing. That's what I call unfair. "They tried to get the license - were unable to, but put the figure out anyway." Trying to slip in under the hype of Dallas. Making the best of a bad situation by remaining stum? This isn't their only failing. For me, this is just the one I could no longer stand by and say nothing.

With Dutch and Billy (well Dutch anyway) the likeness is more important - there isn't a cool spacesuit. I lot of you are saying that HT shouldn't release Dutch at all if it can't have an Arnold likeness?

I think that's exactly what everyone should say. Without a likeness, there is no Dutch. I would think that all too obvious. Maybe we need Dutch in a cool spacesuit, would that make it right? I don't think so.

If they put up pics of Dutch and his face is obscured - don't order until the face is revealed - simple as that.

I'm placing a personal ban on Hot Toys. Let them burn in hell. KingDarkness said Hot Toys = 1/6th gods. I will consider them 1/6 demons.
All I do is always place an order with a company I know I can cancel with.
Once thats done if I want to keep the figure I will. If these figures sculpts looked like Michael Jordan I still wouldn't be canceling though.
Its not that I'm a fan boy , its just that I'm not too bothered. I think a fan boy to ALIEN the movie would want more detail thus canceling. A fan boy to HOT TOYS would buy the figure and any of there figures regardless. I don't know of many people that buy figures just because they have the HOT TOYS name printed out on the boxes.

I'm an ALIEN fan and know for a fact I can either wait for a custom headsculpt to be made or get a commission going. If it bothers you to the point of canceling.....
do it.
I'm still getting this, and Dallas, simply for the Moebius suit sculpts. While I'd dearly love the likeness to look like Hurt, that's secondary to me.

I love the suit design, and that's what I'm displaying them for.

And that's some damn cool repainting LMP.

Could tell us how you did it/what colors you used?
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With Dutch and Billy (well Dutch anyway) the likeness is more important - there isn't a cool spacesuit. I lot of you are saying that HT shouldn't release Dutch at all if it can't have an Arnold likeness?

If they put up pics of Dutch and his face is obscured - don't order until the face is revealed - simple as that.

If they can't make Dutch look like Schwarzenegger at all then i'm certainly not buying it. It must atleast have some of Schwarzenegger's facial features. I mean what's the point in buying a Dutch figure that doesn't at all look like Dutch?
All I do is always place an order with a company I know I can cancel with.
Once thats done if I want to keep the figure I will. If these figures sculpts looked like Michael Jordan I still wouldn't be canceling though.
Its not that I'm a fan boy , its just that I'm not too bothered. I think a fan boy to ALIEN the movie would want more detail thus canceling. A fan boy to HOT TOYS would buy the figure and any of there figures regardless. I don't know of many people that buy figures just because they have the HOT TOYS name printed out on the boxes.

I'm an ALIEN fan and know for a fact I can either wait for a custom headsculpt to be made or get a commission going. If it bothers you to the point of canceling.....
do it.

Spot on Tay and nice one Dave for reiterating my previous point....I think we need to put things into perspective here without the need of suddenly demonising HT for one lousy sculpt....this isn't me talking as a HT fanboy but just another collector like everyone, trying to say it isn't the end of the world guys...:peace
We have to accept that the term sculpt 'pending approval' isn't a guarantee of a non porn star likeness:eek: Purchasing pre orders is a risk we take, hence my belief we shouldn't be that surprised with the final product...This is especially relevent to pre orders we make not knowing what the final sculpt even looks like! Lets be honest its like crossing a busy road only looking in one direction!:monkey3
Cheers man! :D Take your time no rush at all...still cant believe how cool it is you're doing it:joy
5pm??! I'm up at 5am!! Lets swap!:sick:lol