tylerdurden: I thought the same thing about the ankles at first myself. I thought "why in hell didn't they use those great double ball-in-socket joints they normally use". I found though that the joint they used (which is exactly the same, just larger, as the wrist) offers about the same level of movement as the traditional HT ankle joints. It just requires a lot more futzing to get it right. They also seem to be way more stable than the ball-in-socket joints and look better to boot. I wouldn't complain if they started to do this on more figures.
On the glossy/matte subject. This is just my personal tastes, not really commenting on your comments so much as you comments made me think on it (did that make any sense? I have a migraine at the moment). I personally really dig glossy paint when done on the right subjects. I have all the Max Factory Guyver figures and am a big Guyver fan. I heard a lot of people complaining about the
Neo ZX-Tole's high gloss paint job. Saying it made it look like a cheap toy. I love it, it makes sense for the character (he's basically a giant beetle) and to me it makes it look a lot nicer (than ZX-Tole for example who doesn't have a gloss paint job). On the Pred I also really love the glossy paint. It really makes the detailed paint work shine (both literally and figuratively) and
it seems accurate to the film, he usually looks pretty dang glossy in the movie.
On the subject of exposed joints vs rubber bodies. See previous comments about personal taste. On the Pred articulation is very important to me. I want to be able to pose him as crazy as possible. So I'd prefer non-rubber. I've also started to think that the articulated injection-molded bodies are a lot more expensive to produce than the rubber bodies. That's based mostly on comments by Ashley Wood on the costs of producing soft vinyl vs injection plastic. I'd also want to say the paint work would be impossible to do on rubber
but Abe has those rubber arms with loads of detail paint work on them, not all that different from the Pred actually. Abe and Hellboy where my first rubber bodied figures and I gotta say even more so now I'm a fan of the not-rubber bodies. You just plain don't get a lot of movement from them.