If they do another version (DX or BD) I want it to have a removable shoulder cannon, proper blood on the leg, the blades that open up wide to pin down Dutch, and at least one skinned body.
Thats what im talkin about!
If they do another version (DX or BD) I want it to have a removable shoulder cannon, proper blood on the leg, the blades that open up wide to pin down Dutch, and at least one skinned body.
Thats what im talkin about!
I thought Hot Toys was going to do a few more of Dutch's unit. Such as Dillon, Blaine, Mac, and maybe Poncho, or Hawkins. I think that they at least need to do the best friends...Blaine and Mac! Give Blaine the huge "dragon" spinning cannon he had, and Mac an M-60, and even throw in the pink razor he used.
Hot Toys make 5 marines (Hicks, Hudson, Drake, Vasquez, and Apone), plus Ripley for ALIENS. So that it is 6 human characters. So far Hot Toys has only made 2 human characters, Dutch and Billy. So, I'm hoping they at least make Blaine and Mac.
I hear you, but the early marines were back in the day when HT didn't have the kudos or the licences they have today.
HT seems to have a very talented band of artists, but it's a relatively small band of artists, so I expect them to put their talent to work where it will return the best $'s, and sadly that might not be in Dutch's unit for now.
I hope we might see a few more, but I don't expect it any time too soon.
I think we'll see another Predator. I mean, P2 and Wolf each got two variations. HT just released a teaser of ANOTHER Iron Man (BD). So I'd say at least one more P1 is a safe guess.
Here's another quick photo, inspired by jnmx2000.
lol awesome!
what program to you work in?
did he pet the giant cat to death with his foam-bladed gauntlet?