HT Predator 1 Dutch

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im kinda thinking later down the road after the initial releases we will see a BD dutch & predator. im hoping anyway. how could it miss??

Couldn't, only downside is though, they many not be able to mud the muscular body, so a Dutch may be post swimming in the stream where he's clean with just some blood on his face from fighting the Predator. I'd love a "Hunter" Dutch, I'm just now sure what they can do with the muscular body rubber.
im kinda thinking later down the road after the initial releases we will see a BD dutch & predator. im hoping anyway. how could it miss??

To be on the safe side I would order anyway and keep him MIB. You'll be able to sell him off if the BD is announced and won't be kicking yourself if this one is the only one released.
they may not be able to cake mud on him like the movies but im sure it could be remidied with some dirt looking paint. and his accessories.....the torch, bow, spear, bombs, etc...
To be on the safe side I would order anyway and keep him MIB. You'll be able to sell him off if the BD is announced and won't be kicking yourself if this one is the only one released.

If done right, a BD dutch should be more than just a rehash of the current figure, not like a Predator, so if you want early film soldier Dutch, this is probably it so get while the gettin's good.
While we are talking about Arnold's about Running Man? I haven't seen it in ages and I loved it as a kid. How does it hold up?
While we are talking about Arnold's about Running Man? I haven't seen it in ages and I loved it as a kid. How does it hold up?

Watched that recently, its still an enjoyable film. As a sidenote I think the girl in it is also the female cop in Predator 2 - but looking much hotter in Running man in that tight yellow costume.
I find Total Recall,Running Man funny as hell,Total Recall has the best Arnie,with all his sounds,grunts and faces,too funny:lol
Arnies best?-Conan the Barbarian! One of my favorite all time films.
He was a perfect cast for that role.
What where we talking about again? Oh, yes, about these Predator one figures... camouflage paint = likeness cover up or not, both figures look close enough to me, so I'm buying. Unlike the Aliens marines, where the paint apps where in such a manner that the likeness was way beyond good and evil. It was totally gone! That's why I passed on every single one of them (ok, with the exception of Ripley). They just don't look like the characters from the movie when they come out of the box. I'm not into customizing, I want my figures to stay the way that I buy them. I deeply hope that the Nostromo crew looks like the actors...
i understand the whole likeness issue to a point. im sure someone famous just doesnt want their own image slapped on just any ole' thing to sell a product, especially one that they would never endorse in the first place. but where it gets a little clouded for me on in this particular instance is anyone who is even somewhat familiar with the movie predator & arnold himself would know who this figure is right off the bat. so any attempt to obscure the image is moot really unless they put a completely different portriat of someone else on it. if the pictures posted had the heads completely blurred i would still know it was a dutch figure. if arnold saw this himself he would know that it was his charcter in predator. i guess it really is a fine line.
Well, apparently, for legal purposes, it's enough if the paint is not used to capture the likeness, even if the shapes and forms are 100% who they're supposed to be.
Not that keen on these figs, disappointed actually - they just dont look right esp the oufits.