Super Freak
It's all good man. I kept saying it to, and boy was a I happy to get him. It's such a cool figure.
I just thought I'd show a couple of pictures of my Predators here... There are more shots in my collection thread... See the link in my signature! Enjoy!
doh short memory....
yeah i even remember posting on it...doh!!....so now searching for all the bits.....the one item i can't seem to find is the t-shirt he is wearing under his shirt.......so going to have a go at it.....i have a hero head arnie that i will use.......
and when finished will put him next to my Blaine, Lesi've done a hat
Hey guys does anybody happen to know if Hot Toys is going to make any Predator 1 1:6 scale figures?
Hey guys does anybody happen to know if Hot Toys is going to make any Predator 1 1:6 scale figures?
alright guys thanks!!
I am new to this but i should have some pics of my predators up sometime this week.
Nothing special about my preds except the avp elder i put a alien facehugger on him, it looks pretty sweet!!1
I'm not a fan of the AVP Predator at all... Accept Les' one... So the Facehugger is definitely a vast improvement.. I'd love to see the pose of it all though!
I just thought I'd show a couple of pictures of my Predators here... There are more shots in my collection thread... See the link in my signature! Enjoy!
Wow this P2 looks amazing! I don't like the figure because of it's dreads (makes it look stupid in my opinion), but this fix makes it look just right! What did you do?