Best 1/6 Endo. Now that can be called MASTERPIECE.
Fantastic work & pics.
Waiting for new projects. Very waiting.
Great job, sir.
Hey guys, I'm looking to repaint my NECA 18" Endo to give it more of a chrome glossy look, can anyone here help me out? I mean what kind or type of paint and finishes I would need to get that look. What materials? I haven't done this, ever, so any information, just give it to me like I'm a complete newbie.
Alclad works the best from what I've personally seen and used, but you need an airbrush.
ALCLAD High Shine -Chrome and Polished Aluminium both require a dark glossy base. Polished Aluminium should be used over Tamiya TS-14 gloss black,or gloss black auto paint. Chrome and only chrome should be used over gloss black model enamel paint.
SPRAYING: ALCLAD should be sprayed at 15-20psi.
Spray 1 ½ -2 ½ inches away from the model.
Use the airbrush like a paint brush not an aerosol.
Buffing is not necessary-though tonal variation can be made by polishing selected panels with micromesh. A sealer is not required.
r5150 just pushed this up a notch.
Ok, so just let me know if I got this right:
1) Apply The Tamiya or Gloss Black Auto paint to the model first!
2) Then apply Polished Aluminum
3) Lastly, Apply Chrome to Aluminum?
Is that right, or are you saying use either Aluminum or Chrome? Also could you further explain the last bolded part. Furthermore, I saw that one of the members sanded? the model first, is that necessary?
Ok, I just came from the hobby-shop. They don't have any Alclad Chrome, just Tamiya-TS-14 Black. But they did have Light Gun Metal, and Silver, would that give the same impression as chrome? Also, I looked up couple of Airbrushes in the shop and they are pretty expensive. Everything is coming out to be $200+, kinda lot for just a repaint. Are there any cheaper places that sell these airbrushes? Or will it be ok for me to use the spray cans than an airbrush?