Well I like to think that with Hottoys, anythings possible so bare with my lengthy list and lets hope they're listening:
1. DX Dutch - Two new Arnold headsculpts one with camo the other without, both with pers and sculpted slighty bigger than the original (like their older sculpts) A brand new plastic truetype with full articulation sculpted like his current muscle body. New weapon molds(swap pistol for desert eagle, scale down the rifle a little, make the machete blade a tad wider). A better fitting shirt and cloth jungle boots. Plenty of extra hands (gloved, ungolved) in various poses.
2. DX Billy - A new sculpt with Sonny landhams likeness with pers and possibly real hair. Hard plastic truetype with full articulation sculpted like his current muscle body. Same ideas as Dutch in regards to weapons clothing and hands. Also throw in his bdu shirt he starts off wearing in the film.
Note: I really love to have the whole team added but at least Blaine, Dillon,and Poncho DX ( you get the idea for those from Dutch and Billy above)
3. DX Rambo2 - Two new sculpts with pers and possibly real hair, one with a stern cold stare and the other would be stallones classic intense angery snarl expression (no molded headbands). Plastic muslce truetype with full atriculation again. All the original weapons along with an m-60w/ammo belt, more arrows(enough to fill the quiver) and his case of explosive arrow heads. Cloth boots, extra hands, and throw in his black tanktop and bdu shirt. Two cloth headbands one black, one red.
4. DX Hicks - New headsculpt with pers and excellent character likeness of Michael Bien. All original gear/weapons except cloth boots and head lamp light is functional. Extra hands again and perhaps another armor chest plate that is acid burned.
Note: same respective ideas for Ripley, Hudson, Drake, Apone, and Vasquez DX. also give Vasquez her handgun she dies with in the film.
5. DX Terminatior1 T800 - Two Arnold sculpts, one undamaged featuring pers the other with his post surgey look with a per eye and a light up eye. Hard plastic muscular truetype with full articulation again. All the weapons from the gun shop(.45 hardballer with working slide, spaz-12, ar-18 with folding stock, and uzi 9mm). Bike leathers and his "punk" outfit. Extra hands and his gargoyle glasses.
6. DX Kyle Reese - Michael Bien sculpt with pers. Truetype with full articulation With pants, Sleeveless sweatshirt, watch, trench coat, and nike sneakers. Weapons a 6 shot ruger, sawed off shot gun and a duffle bag with the pipebombs(10 or so). Once again plenty of extra hands.
7. DX Alien Warrior - Basically just remake them using a better more durable material. Maybe throw in a pair of facehuggers with an egg too for better value. Possible color variations on this fig (black, brown, grey).
8. DX Alien queen - Now this (to me) would be THE piece of all pieces in ANY collection!! If DX is for icons... they don't get much more iconic than this!! Sculpted at (Im guessing) 26 inches tall and 38 inches long with the tail. 40 to 50 points of articulation and maybe a dozen or so eggs on a decorative base..... What?! ... You said it was a wishlist.