Re: HUGE HOLIDAY WEEKEND SALE! - Star Wars, McFarlane, Gentle Giant, LOTS MORE!
All purchases from the Holiday weekend went out today.
Prices lowered on the GG Trooper and GG Leia on P1.
Two Day Incentives.
I'll honor any of the below incentives for deals made on 9/6 or 9/7
- Take the McFarlane Lot on Page 1 and I'll throw in the McFarlane 12" Crow FREE
- Take the Gentle Giant Sandtrooper on Page 1 and I'll throw in the 3 Mighty Muggs FREE
- Take the Episode 1 cup lot on Page 1 and I'll throw in the Holiday R2 and 3PO FREE
- If you want both the GG Sandtrooper AND GG Leia, I can do both combined for $180 Shipped