Hyrule Warriors for Wii U

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Looking forward to this.

With Futureshop / BB's promotion all upcoming games come out to $45 - $48

Hyrule Warriors
Toad Adventure
Zelda Wii U

Batman Arkham Knight PS4
Mortal Kombat X
Uncharted 4
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Lego Batman 3
MGS5 Phantom Pain
The Last of Us Remastered

Ultra Street Fighter IV

Yoshi Yarn
Smash Bros Wii U

Smash Bros 3DS
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Looking forward to this.

With Futureshop / BB's promotion all upcoming games come out to $45 - $48

Hyrule Warriors
Toad Adventure
Zelda Wii U

Batman Arkham Knight PS4
Mortal Kombat X
Uncharted 4
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Lego Batman 3
MGS5 Phantom Pain
The Last of Us Remastered

Ultra Street Fighter IV

Yoshi Yarn
Smash Bros Wii U

Smash Bros 3DS

Rulk, more info. on this promotion? Not familiar with this. $27 for SB on 3DS???
Any of you guys familiar with Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors? Essentially the "Warriors" games by Koei (now Koei-Tecmo)?

This is the Zelda version of that, even made by the same developer (Koei-Tecmo).

I'll be honest with you, this game will be polarizing, you will either love it (because it's mindless hack-n-slash) or you'll hate it.

Personally, I love the "Warriors" series. There's not much thought into it but it's fun going into a field of battle and just slaughtering hundreds, even thousands. The Dynasty Warriors is rooted in the history of China from the "Three Kingdoms" period and the Samurai Warriors is from Japanese history, the "Sengoku" period aka Numerous battles that led to the Unification of Japan.

Essentially, Koei (along with Nintendo) will probably work on an overarching story. A lot of the battles are just huge levels where your goal is to kill the leading officer of the enemy army...but you get twists along the way where your path might get blocked, or you get ambushed, or the enemy launches a sneak attack on your own army's leader (and you have to race back to save him).

Rest assured, Ganondorf and (hopefully) other villains will appear and be playable. The "Warriors" series has EVERYONE playable practically, both good and bad and they have their own stories. The difference is that it'll be interesting to see what sort of "story" and "battles" Koei will construct out of this and what Zelda games they draw from.

This is NOT a thought-provoking/puzzle-solving game....this will be essentially be a WAR game. Just straight battle and it's a great series of games to play when you just want to rush in, have some cool moves and destroy everyone. There's also weapon power-ups and you level your characters as well.

Looking forward to this one.
Rulk, more info. on this promotion? Not familiar with this. $27 for SB on 3DS???

Every year around the time of E3, Canada's Futureshop and Best Buy hold a promotion that allows customers to preorder games announced during E3 and save up to 30% off per game when 3 or more games are preordered. These include games announced for all platforms during E3 as well.

Last year I preordered several WII U games.

Due to the weak Canadian dollar, prices have appreciated about 10% more. So although all orders are retroactive, the 33% off comes out to more like 20% off.

Mario Kart was listed as $59.99 last year, I preordered it and my total was $39.99 (66.7% of the total price $59.99)
This deal applied to my 3DS games as well (67% of 39.99 = $26.67)

But now since prices for PS4 games have increased by 10$ to $69.99 and WIIU games to 64.99$ the discount is relatively 20%. Still better than Gamestop.

I did get Mario Land 3D, Mario Kart, Yoshi Island 3DS, Zelda 3DS, Batman Arkham Origins, Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros Wii U discounted. This year I preordered more than 3 games to get the deal.

Most of the games that are on preorder probably won't come out before next years E3... im just getting a headstart in case the currency exchange rate comes in effect again negatively.

With the weak Canadian dollar technically I am getting the new Smash Bros 3DS game for $24 USD. Not too shabby.
Prices are in Canadian dollars, free shipping, no downpayment, can cancel anytime, 5% tax.

I preordered some games in multiples in case my friend changes his mind. I can always return back to store. These are online orders.

Don't get charged until shipped. 30% off of either PS4 games of $69.99 or WIIU games $64.99



Promotion over on the 12th, if you have a way of ordering stuff on the CDN site I'd suggest you do it.


If anyone has any suggestions of upcoming games to preorder please let me know.
I know there's not much love for this game here, but I like hack and slash games. Picking up mine from best buy next week with the Skyward Sword DLC.
With everything coming out the next few weeks/months (MANY games/figures), kinda have to do whatever saves the most. :)

Gamers Club Unlocked discount. Best investment ever!

Oh yeah I heard about that, it's free right? Does best buy let you cancel PO?

Edit: never mind, I just checked it out.
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Oh yeah I heard about that, it's free right? Does best buy let you cancel PO?

Edit: never mind, I just checked it out.

It's really nice. Especially if you buy quite a few games often. It pays for itself pretty quickly. 20% off every game, including the collectors editions and game bundle sets. (Think Super Smash Bros. Wii U bundle with gamecube controller)
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It's really nice. Especially if you buy quite a few games often. It pays for itself pretty quickly. 20% off every game, including the collectors editions and game bundle sets. (Think Super Smash Bros. Wii U bundle with gamecube controller)

Ya, I think Im gonna join. On my to buy list as of now is Arkham Knight Collectors Edition, Smash Bros Bundle, Hyrule Warriors, Marvel Infinity and Skylanders for my kids. I even want all the amiibo figures.
I want the OoT skins but I'll get 20% off the game at best buy so I suppose I'll take that route..

And if you PreOrder you get a $10 cert too?

Might pass on this game though, not a huge fan of dynasty warriors. Gets old fast. Plus LotR/ME:SoM comes out the following week. Decisions...ack.
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