Rulk, more info. on this promotion? Not familiar with this. $27 for SB on 3DS???
Every year around the time of E3, Canada's Futureshop and Best Buy hold a promotion that allows customers to preorder games announced during E3 and save up to 30% off per game when 3 or more games are preordered. These include games announced for all platforms during E3 as well.
Last year I preordered several WII U games.
Due to the weak Canadian dollar, prices have appreciated about 10% more. So although all orders are retroactive, the 33% off comes out to more like 20% off.
Mario Kart was listed as $59.99 last year, I preordered it and my total was $39.99 (66.7% of the total price $59.99)
This deal applied to my 3DS games as well (67% of 39.99 = $26.67)
But now since prices for PS4 games have increased by 10$ to $69.99 and WIIU games to 64.99$ the discount is relatively 20%. Still better than Gamestop.
I did get Mario Land 3D, Mario Kart, Yoshi Island 3DS, Zelda 3DS, Batman Arkham Origins, Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros Wii U discounted. This year I preordered more than 3 games to get the deal.
Most of the games that are on preorder probably won't come out before next years E3... im just getting a headstart in case the currency exchange rate comes in effect again negatively.
With the weak Canadian dollar technically I am getting the new Smash Bros 3DS game for $24 USD. Not too shabby.