I’ll Start... How Far Can We Go? You Decide!

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That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals (putting it lightly); thought that he should have stayed here and not gotten in-vollllved.

You fought in da Clone Wars?
Yes. I was once a Jedi knight, the same as you father.

I wish that I had know him.

He was the best star pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. I understand you've become quite a good pilot yourself.


And he was a good friend. Which reminds me...
I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it.

He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn-fool idealistic crusade like your father did.
Sir, if you’ll not be needing me I’ll close down for a while (never did understand why they chose to show that).

Sure, go ahead.

What is it?

R2: Hoodie hoo!
Your father’s Light Saber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight.

Not as clumsy or random as a blaster

An elegant weapon, for a more CIVILIZED age….
For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times; before the empire.
A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to eve-eel, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered you father…

Now the Jedi are all but extinct. Vader was seduced by the Dark Side of The Force…
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The Force?

The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.

Hoodie hoo!

Now let’s see if we can’t figure out what you are my little friend. And where you come from.

I saw part of the message…

I seem to have found it.
General Kenobi, years ago, you served my Father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my Father’s request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and I’m afraid my mission to bring you to Aalderan has failed. I have place information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Aalderan. This is our most desperate hour……
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

(intense pondering from the gang)

YOU must learn the ways of the Force, if you are to come with me to Alderaan!
AaLdEraAn?!?11?!? (laughingly) I'm not going to Aalderan, I've gotta get home home. It's late, I'm in for it as it is.

I need your help Luke. She needs your help. I'm getting to old for this ****/sort of thing.
I can’t get involved. I got work to do. It’s not that I like the empire, I hate it but there’s nothing that I can do about it right now. It’s such a long way from here.

Dats your uncle talking.

My uncle. How am I ever going to explain this?

Learn about the Force, Luke.

Well look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. Y-you can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you’re going.

You must do what you feel is right, of course.

(onto one of my favorite scenes in the entire series)
Ben, I mean, General Kenobi…. Years ago, I was an insufferable brat on Aalderan and amused myself by running away from my parents and being a general c**t. After years of such behavior, I was finally kidnapped by an aging member of Red Hot Chilli Peppers and taught a lesson. You had to come and spring me, but I was kind of a bossy c**t to you as well…. Anyway, I’m in it up to my royal buns again, gonna need some help. Oh, and Dad says Hi too…
...and until this battle station is fully operational, we are vulnerable. The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped. They're more dangerous than you realize.

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