I cried

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You know this guy has been trolling the board ever since he joined right??

Yea, I've been in the forums but please don't call me a troll that's offensive. And if anyone is a troll it's you with your over 1,800 posts. That's all I'm going to say, I don't want to start a fight on forums. Fighting is just lame.
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I cried when Optimus Prime died in the Transformers movie.

True Story :lecture
You prolly did, wus.

I did :(

It was a tramatic event in my young life. I was not prepared to see Optimus dies.

And to make matters worse, that piece of crap Hot Rod took over after he caused Optimus' death! :mad: :mad: :mad:

F U Hot Rod :pfft:
I cried when Arnold was lowered to the lava pool thing at the end of terminator :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 That thumbs up killed me!
I cried when ChunkyZergling was born. Nobody on this planet was prepared for such a failure of life. :(

I love being rude ever now and then.
I cried when I accidentally hit myself in the balls while trying to wrap up an extension cord to put away.
When I was a kid I cried when the T-800 dies in T2.

True story:lecture
Never cared much for Yeller :dunno

Optimus Prime dying was the worst! ____ that weak ass dog :pfft:
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