20 years ago who wouldn't have been up for this? Now, I'm sad to say I would just feel trepidation. On the evidence of the last couple of decades there's only Scorsese who seems to have any steam left, with the rest being pale (more silvery, saggy jowelled) shadows of their former selves.
De Niro in particular has gurned and lampooned himself in so many groan inducers that it's got to the stage where I almost feel embaressed for him. Happening upon one of his more recent movies (like The Big Wedding, Being Flynn, Last Vegas, Grudge Match or the one where he and Travolta keep taking turns to tie each other up) when they're showing on tv is like walking in and finding your Grandad stark b*****ks naked and struggling to get out the bath. The last above average movies I can even recall him taking a lead role in would be the Heat/Casino double whammy and that was, what, 1995?
Pacino has maybe fared a little bit better. Despite the tendency to fall back on shouty theatricality, he's at least shown he still retains some of that old charisma and can engender pity as a world-weary character, even in non-remarkable fare like Stand Up Guys and Danny Collins.
Pesci....I don't even know what he's been up to. When was the last time he was even seen on screen? The Good Shepard, or has there been anything since?
I would honestly love for this to turn out great and serve as one last hurrah worthy of such truly iconic and influential talent but....damn....those guys are going to have to dig deeper than they have for a long, long time in order to avoid it turning into one big let down. Does anyone truly believe they still have it in them?