That's because you "thought" you were buying a genuine piece.
Why do you put 'thought' in parentheses?
Again, because of the dissapointment of finding out it's fake.
So what you are saying is that it is a conversational piece because it is fake?!
Bringing me to my point in the first place, IF YOU BUY SIGNATURE ITEMS ON EBAY 99.9999999% OF THE TIME THEY WILL BE FAKES. It doesn't matter what nifty COA that they flash in front of you. It's buyer beware, if you dont do your research and buy on Ebay and get taken advantage of then there is nobody to blame but yourself.
Well, I guess the point of this debate is whether Nessa knowingly bought the item, realizing that it was 99% probable that the sigs were forged?
On the other hand if you knowingly buy something like a signed LOTR poster on Ebay just to display in your HT room and spend $50-$75 for it, then I think your on the right track as far as how Ebay should be used for attaining signature items.
What does HT mean?