I'd love a blank X-Wing helmet that I could customize with my own design.
As cool as the current helmets are, we need something other than the basic Clonetrooper/Stormtrooper shape. Let's get some pilots and specialized troopers in the mix!!!
Here's some pictures of GG's mini helmets from NYCC (courtesy of Rebel Scum). Please tell me these are very early mock-ups because the visors are painted and the helmet itself has an orange peel look to it.
i have some of the mini helmets as well, i love em. they are really well made and dont take up a ton of room. when riddell first released these they were quite pricey but now have come down quite a bit.
No kidding... I just got the Riddell Vader and 3PO for $10.50 each on ebay. I think this may just be the start of things. I went thought my mini lightsaber fase and now these.
I got me a Blackhole stormtrooper and clone trooper...
Very nice...
And with real padding...PADDING..
Yeah, they do. See here https://threads.rebelscum.com/showf...067&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=93&fpart=all
The clonetroopers are the best ones, if you're into accuracy. MR made the clones from scratch. The others are based on old Riddell molds from the 90s. The Fett is the worst accuracy-wise, the Stormtroopers are a little off, but acceptable, and the X-Wing helmets are pretty good.
The helmets themselves are plastic, while some of the details are die-cast, some squishy, and so on.