Ki Adi has been on my most wanted list since this line started.
Ki Adi has been on my most wanted list since this line started.
Ki-Adi is the only jedi with speaking lines other than Kenobi, Skywalker, Yoda and Windu. I think that raises his odds to be close to next in line (if he doesn't get trumped by Tinn and Kolar; I hope he doesn't).
Besides that, his costume isn't the standard jedi robe/gown get-up, and I want variation. I would rather see a different colored alien before another fleshtoned one (too close to Plo Koon) but I don't expect Aayla before him, and I'd prefer to wait on Shaak Ti, Luminara, etc. They'll be too much like dolls for my taste. I still want them to turn up (Shaak Ti especially) but I'm in less of a rush for them than I am for Aayla and Ki-Adi.
Interesting. Do you think that they'll be too much like dolls because they're female? (Disclaimer: This is sincere curiosity, not an attack.) Or is it the combination of their feminine nature with the long, flowing attire?
I was always against a 12" Aayla Secura, but, at the time, I had only paid attention to her ROTS costume. The sleeveless look on Sideshow 12" bodies has never appealed to me. I don't like looking at the joints. But now that I've realized that her AOTC costume features long sleeves, long pants, and only exposes the neckline, I'm very, very keen to see her produced. She's very striking, and not just in a gorgeous alien babe sort of way.