During this break a smoking hot mother comes up to me and starts talking that she has been watching me and that she loves how I am there taking my girls to a concert as not many fathers would. I tell her that it wasn't by choice and that I did try to get out of it. She said that I could have sold the tickets for top dollar. I said yeah but my daughters heart would have been broken and I can torment a night of agony for that not to happen. She smiled and then whispered into my ear that she would like to get to know me better and slipped her number in my hand.
Finally the show is over and I make sure I take the girls to the bathroom so that I don't have to make a stop on the way home. While I am waiting for them outside. I kid you not, two more hot looking Mom's come up and talk to me and start the whole how great it is for Dad to take his girls to the concert and that they thought it was sexy and what not. And YES they give me their numbers too.
I'm thinking to myself, who the hell needs to go to a bar to get laid anymore. Just take a little girl to a concert and you will have not problem getting some. I wish I had known that 15 years ago as I would have saved a ton in buying drinks for women.
Dude I told you that was going to happen

Seriously if ever need someone to take them next time I will take one for you and take your kids to the concert