I think DiD is my favorite company for 1:6 scale figures!

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Super Freak
Dec 8, 2006
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That will cost you.
Yes, SideShow is still my all-time favorite company for overall collectible pieces. Especially for their Premium Format line. However, DiD takes the prize with their 1:6 figures. Not in terms of facial sculpt, as I love most of SideShow's face sculpts. It's DiD's eye for ultra realistic rooted hair, metal, wooden, and leather pieces which its real-life counterparts would have had which adds to the realism of the toys. If SideShow did that, then SideShow would take their spot. I am not even into military/history figures yet I am ignoring that on the sheer brilliance that these figures exude.

I finally broke down and ordered my first of what I hope to be many DiD figures. I got a WWII US soldier, one George Puller. He was affordable. I always seem to start off with the cheaper figures first (granted he was 55 bones), and got an extra pair of leather shoes for him with real stitch and functioning shoe laces. *eeep* His weapons and helmet are all made of metal. *teehee* The face sculpt, the detail in the costuming and accessories. *drool begins to foam from mouth* I am so giddy words can not express how excited I am for this figure to get to my doorstep!

My next purchase I am hoping is the Date Masamune figure. I almost feel compelled to drop my preorder for my 1/4 PF Captain America, but now being an owner of a few PFs already, and the fact that he maybe the holy grail of PFs (IMO) makes me highly doubtful that will ever happen. No, I'll just have to hope that the Date Masamune samurai is still available when I have the available funds. Which could be months from now.

Okay, one last thing and sorry for my long post. I am just so excited about this company! Their Nazi line looks impressive but who really has the guts to purchase one of those, and in fact wouldn't that be difficult to have those items shipped? I like some of the figures, but seeing as how my girlfriend is Asian and I have many friends of different cultural backgrounds I can't see myself ever getting one of those in the off chance one of my friends or even family members gets offended by them.

They need more US and even Canadian soldiers! And give them rooted hair. DiD does so well with those.
The rooted hair on their upcoming figure looks more like a fright wig than a WWII German haircut. The mohawk on Ricky Foster is more impressive. DiD does nice work overall though. Their "parade" figures are particularly well done, even though the subject matter is debatable. I had the samurai. Well done and metal armor. Sculpts are their weak spot. They have a new AH figure coming out with 2 sculpts. Not impressed with either.
I have a truckload of dragon figures and have to agree that ever since I started picking up DiD the DML boxes have become the stepchildren of my 1/6 family. DiD puts some amazing detail in each part, and I honestly wonder how this kind of fine production can be delivered at these prices. Low asian wages, I'd recon... However they are falling to the sickness DML has: too many nazi's. Even still some of those releases are worth the price. As for the Parade Series, whilst debatable, I have several of these 'fancy-looking' nazi's (forgive my choice of words) and I find they illustrate perfectly how it was possible that prewar Germany got swept of it's feet by the icon we now hate so much. You cannot help being a bit impressed by such grandeur.
I find all the controversy about the figures tiresome. If you like them from a history collector's point of view, get them. If you feel someone close to you will take offence, respect it and keep of. If you're a twelve year old who thinks it's a cool way to get on his parents nerves, then play with marbles. Like customizerwannabe said, the AH figure they're releasing (under the 3R company name btw, because they're to scared to give it the DiD label) isn't good at all in terms of the sculpting. And yes therein lies the weakness of DiD. Some say the faces are to cartoonish.
Go for the Samurai. There's more than enough info in the thread about it. You need that piece, believe me.
Check out the Napoleonic line while you're at it, and if you want another WWII figure, you mùst try and get this one: Corbin Black. It's the ultimate US airborne figure. Sold out mostly though, so might take some hunting, but a must have.

To conclude, here's a nice custom if you want to have some fun with George (courtesy of SAG's Humphrey64):

Saipan 1.jpg
That is a beautiful custom job of George. Notice he even took away the cut on his neck, and sculpted a more fuller fleshed out neck with chest hair. Love the grass he's chewing on too. Very nice pose and even gave the clothes a weathered look.

Could you post some pictures of your DiD collection?

Oh, and as for Corbin Black I did check him out earlier this week and I have to say if I knew were to order him he would have been my first DiD figure I would have purchased.
Sorry for the double post, but ahhh screw it, makes me wonder why HT and Medicom can't deliver on the same price as DiD? Perhaps like you said it's the production costs being low. Someone is being severly underpaid if they can put this much detail and cratfmanship into their products and sell them for at times, 1/4th the price of a higher end piece that a company like HT and Medicom puts out.

I guess it's also how it's imported and how much are purchased...I mean Sideshow is able to sell some Medicom RAH's for half of what they would go through other retailers. Like the RAH X3 Wolverine.
If you need Foster, Greim, or Zeller, lmk as I have multiples and will give you a good deal. That's a great Puller custom. Love the chest hair. I'm passing on the AH. Too cartoonish as was said. That and their crushers suck. I think they were made by ITPT. Their crushers also were crap and oversized. DiD is a great value. They just need to concentrate a little harder on the details.
I'm not doing WWII any more, but I have to say that the DiD Napoleonics are superb. However their LotR figures left a lot to be desired. I wish they'd take over the ancient warriors from Ignite though.
I saw their LotR figures and the sculpting and paint schemes are not up to par with their other lines like their World War II and samurai figures. I don't understand how it's the same company. Atleast with SideShow quality control is pretty much equal in every line. No line suffers from hugely poor sculpts or paint aps. There is consistency there, which DiD lacks from line to line. Why is this? Is it another section of the company or do they feel that the LotR figures don't sell as well as their military figures, so more love and craftmanship are put into their better selling lines?

When it comes to 1:6 LotR figures, SideShow has them beat by miles.
I have 2 DiD figures so far and both are excellent. I have one Nazi figure (Helmut Thorvald, the sniper) , but I'm Jewish so I figure if I can't own one who can? I also own the international version of Date Masamune. Both figures are excellent and among some of the best I own!

I'm not much of a military collector, so I don't buy too many figures from them. But I would love it if, like Dave said they took over Ignites line of figures!
If a Jewish person can own a Nazi figure then maybe there is hope in collecting Nazi figure after all. lol

If I did get one I would and I displayed it I would probably just remove the Nazi symbols out of respect from anyone who came over. Or like I have mentioned before, just keep to their US soldiers and samurais.

But here is the problem, the majority of DiD's WWII, heck their entire military line consists of WWII German soldiers. What gives? I wished we had more variety in the US soldiers.

P.S. Nice review on Mike's website!
Eli26 said:
But here is the problem, the majority of DiD's WWII, heck their entire military line consists of WWII German soldiers. What gives? I wished we had more variety in the US soldiers.

The good news is, that for someone just starting in 1/6 military, DiD offers a lot of high quality german stuff. But the bad news is that they loose time doing more and more germans while they should me making loads of other figures.
I mean their entire lineup thus far. I don't follow their releases Mr. I know Everything and because of it I am so great. hehe
customizerwannabe said:
What are you talking about? 3 of their last 5 figures have been Americans! Foster, Puller, Winstone. I'd say that's a pretty good mix.

Actually if you want to include the new rooted hair guy and the kettenkrad their 5 last releases have all been germans :p
Eli26 said:
P.S. Nice review on Mike's website!


I think that they started off focusing mainly on Axis powers, but are now expanding out into other troops. I was a bit concernd at first, but the thing to keep in mind is that Asian companies don't have the same feelings tied to symbols of WWII.

For instance in Japan, there is a character in the Kinnikuman series (original version of M.U.S.C.L.E.) called Brokenman who is a nazi and even has swazticas and other symbols prominently displayed. And this character was in a comic, toys and shows directed a kids. Its not that they supported anti-semitism or Nazis, but they didn't attatch the same meaning.
That's absurd, the meaning has been well documented in the history books. It has only one meaning. No culture or one person should be subjected to that kind of imagery at that age. I want to go into more detail to explain it but I just don't feel like discussing politics. So why did I bring it up? Because I just did.
I agree it sounds absurd, but when I asked Japanese people about it they didn't have a strong feeling about the iconagraphy. Now I'm sure this isn't true for all people in Japan. But my experience was that it was nowhere near as value laden as in the United States. Also, it could be that swastikas are a staple of design in many cultures far pre-dating WWII. History isn't the same in every country :lol

You could also imagine, that the impact of the holocaust might be a bit removed in a country that has a nearly non-existent Jewish population.
You bring up some valid points. Those Japanese are just crazy! There, that settles everything. hehe

Anyway I don't condone owning those pieces, in fact I may get one or two. Just would be interesting to see how those would make it through customs.