I want more Highlander figures!

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Super Freak
Sep 10, 2005
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Long Island
Excuse me If I'm stating the obvouis here but I think Sideshow is done with Highlander, Hope not, here is some cool ideas, or stuff I would buy.

Highlander-Rameriz (yeah I heard it can't be done, still want him!)

Highlander 3- Kane.

Highlander Endgame-Jacob Kell

Highlander the series-Richie, Joe Dawson, Methos, Kalas, Xavier st Cloud.

There are other cool imortals from the series but most don't get a lot of screen time...
I want more Highlander figures also but I fear that the line may of run it's course. It's no secret that the figures already released aren't selling that well. Nothing has been confirmed by SS but I just have a feeling. :(
well you could pick up another origins Conner and redress it in a black shirt and jeans and you pretty much have a Highlander 2 version.
Hi, I’m new here and a huge Highlander fan.

Just wanted to say I wouldn’t count Highlander out so fast just yet. Fair enough they haven’t sold as well as they could have, but recently Origins Connor and Kurgan exclusives both sold out. Both of the modern figure are also (according to the newsletter) in low quantities now.

More importantly if all goes well then this year and next year are going to be VERY big years for Highlander. This year with have Highlander: The Source, a five minute promotional reel of this was shown at the recent Highlander World Wide convention and it looks amazing and fresh, it could truly revitalise the Highlander franchise. Next year they have Highlander: Vengeance the anime movie in spring and a video game from Eidos later in the year. They’re also meeting with Fox next week to discuss a possible new TV series, but they said that is a long shot at the moment. If all this goes according to plan (and with the possible exception of the TV show it should all go just fine based on what I saw and heard) then I see no reason for this line to be cancelled!

Maybe the best way forward would be smaller editions and/or making the line Sideshow Exclusive as Kurgan was believed to be at first.

I’m all for more characters!

I’d love to see

Origins Kurgan
Ramirez (if they can get the license for the likeness)

Highlander: The Series
Duncan MacLeod from “The Samurai”
Amanda (black hair, probably season 3 length)
Joe Dawson
Richi Ryan
I’d love Origins versions of the Four Horsemen, they’d make a great display and be a great set of villains!
“Till Death” period Duncan and Hugh Fitzcairn would be a great set

Highlander: The Source
Duncan MacLeod (looks different enough from Modern Duncan to warrant a new figure, especially if the movie does well)
The Guardian (has a unique look and appears to be a very original villain)

More Period Highlanders!
French Revolution era Connor MacLeod (from Highlander : The Final Dimension)
“Band of Brothers” Duncan MacLeod
“The Revolutionary” Duncan MacLeod
Italy 1634 Connor and Duncan MacLeod (from Highlander: Endgame)
The only figure I fell is truly missing is origins Kurgan....If they can just put him out I can call me Highlander collection complete....Ramirez would be cool ,but I dont think I will be that upset if they didnt make him... I really really want origins kurgan thought.....my origins Connor looks really silly just standing there with no one to pose with him....hopefullly they release origins Kurgan at SDCC in a really small ES...
kingdarkness03 said:
The only figure I fell is truly missing is origins Kurgan....If they can just put him out I can call me Highlander collection complete....Ramirez would be cool ,but I dont think I will be that upset if they didnt make him... I really really want origins kurgan thought.....my origins Connor looks really silly just standing there with no one to pose with him....hopefullly they release origins Kurgan at SDCC in a really small ES...

Eh, there is so much more to Highlander then that first movie.
denger4000 said:
Eh, there is so much more to Highlander then that first movie.

Not for me. It's the first movie and that's it. The end. Finito. (There, I used a word in a foriegn language. I win!)

But I want everyone to get all the characters they want, whether I care about them or not. I'm just talking movie preference. :)

And yeah, an Origins Kurgan is a must, and i also feel a nice capper to the line.
Origins Kurgan is a must and would be nice to end the movie figures on (if they can't get the license for Ramirez's likeness).

But this line is about more than the first movie. At the very least I want Amanda, Joe and Methos to go with my Modern Duncan (Richie would be great too) and some key period Duncan's would be nice to go with Origins Duncan to form a kind of "evolution of Duncan MacLeod" display. I would love some villians (Kronos and Origins versions of all 4 Horsemen) but I could live without them if we can get the main series characters done.

Based on the promo I really want figures from The Source (Duncan and the Guardian primarily), but I think what the final movie is like will determine that. From what was shown, and it was very rough and unfinished, it looks like it has the potential to be the best movie yet, maybe even more so than the first. Potential is the key word though, as Adrian Paul pointed out the editing and post-production will have a very large part to play in what ends up on screen, but he and the others were all very happy with the story and what they filmed.
I hope we will at least get Origins Kurgan before the line comes to a close. I also really would like a Ramirez but that's very unlikely. The Kurgan shouldn't be impossible, they have Clancy Brown's likeness, all they have to do is reproduce that incredible costume in 1/6.
It wasn't actually a trailer. It was a five minute promo reel design to make distributors aware that there's a new Highlander film coming. It had very rough and unfinished special effects and wasn't intended to be seen by the public.

It was shown as a special treat for fans as the Highlander World Wide 7 convention in Leeds last weekend.

It really does look good. It's a fresh direction for the franchise, but it is based firmly in the mythology established by the first film and the TV series.

There's loads of news and opinions and speculation on The Source forum at the Highlander boards.

And the newsletter shows the Highlander figures are doing better. Origins Connor and Kurgan sold out, Duncan, Connor and Origins Duncan on low quantities alert. Maybe this line will get more figures this year after all!

I think the edition size on regular Kurgan is a hint of things to come. 250-500 exclusives and 500-750 regulars is probably what we could expect if the line continues. I'm half expecting it to be come website/exclusives only with editions of about 750.

SDCC Exclusive (if they have one for Highlander) shouldn't be Origins Kurgan, he'd take a lot of work and is something they could sell pretty easily as a normal release. It'd be better to do another period Duncan or Connor, or to test the water for a series charater at the con.