Re: I want to thank all of you members....and to know this..
I appreciate your insights and your concern for me. Yes, it's true, perhaps I was 'too open.' But on the other hand there are things I dare not share openly because it might frighten people, and I do not say that in jest. I have a temper that is buried deep within the recesses of my soul, and once it is truly unleashed, has, and can cause damage that could be only described as unholy.
I fear NO man, NO woman, I can only fear myself, but no longer am I afraid to look in the mirror and say that I @#%$ up.
If there was one thing being a dancer did for me, it was to take me out of my sheltered, nuclear world and plunge me into a world that was so alien to me I could not comprehend it...homeless girls, abusive pimps, drugs, foster care, WOMEN who did not HAVE the luxury of a loving home and parents. And THAT was what made me begin to cherish and to appreciate my parents, because they were and are the most loving, understanding and accepting people on this earth. I worked hard to gain their pride, by graduating magna cum laude, by excelling in music and the arts to try to make up for all my shortcomings in behavior.
Yes, there are freaks out there, we probably have more than a few on this board, but I do not fear them, their ammunition, or their ability to attempt to dissuade me from being on ANY board.
One of the members in the chat said that he felt there was something 'off' about my personality, about somehow it was both frightening and contradictory . And I have noticed even as short and petite as I am, that when I walk tall and proud, as I always do, I convey a certain aura of power and maybe even a little dangerous edge there. But I wouldn't have it any other way.