The money people make from it is real
How can money be real if bitcoin is the future and bitcoin is not real?
The money people make from it is real
I do not think they will "tank" ever....the already recouped their initial investment.
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No, everyone will just start reading DC books instead. Wait, isn't that already happening?
True but they are so diverse at this point SW tanking would not affect them that badly.
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Where are you getting the "Star Wars isn't doing well" angle?
It's a xipotec alternate business scenario.
But your the one claiming Disney stock will tank so they throw out the new canon... :logic
Nah what I mean is even if SW tanks, Disney company will be just fine, they have so many other properties and films to worry about....the parks and animated stuff will keep them rolling for a very long time...
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I think it a matter of whether you believe Disney would give up on a property if a film does poorly or not.
Being they own everything Star Wars related right now, I highly doubt that. Even if they new series tanks , they have years of past films to draw on. They also have invested billions in the new Star Wars land. They would keep making films until they go back on top.
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