Super Freak
If SS doesn't finish the fellowship, how many of you will attempt to fill in the pieces with other stuff or customs? I was looking at the DID figures and was thinking about adding the hobbits and Gimli if they don't finish. It is my understanding that they only did two hobbits, Frodo and Sam. Right? That leaves two more hobbits. I really hope SS finishes out the LOTR line but they seem to becoming out infrequently. I honestly don't know how long they can keep this up without killing the line. The figures are improving since Aragorn, which get me excited but what was the last the announcement for a 12" figure, Faramir? It seems like ages ago that they announced him. Right now I am keeping my fingers crossed because I don't have the customizing skills required to finished this line out if SS doesn't complete it. There are not enough of the others out from other companies to fill in the gaps. How are you guys going to handle it?