Reasonable price for Asmus Fellowship collection?

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Dec 27, 2018
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Now with InArt making a fellowship line—and especially with me running out of space to store boxes!—I’m thinking that it’s probably time to let go of the Asmus figures. I’ve enjoyed them for several years now, but the InArt versions will give me the fun of starting over with collecting them.

My hope is to sell the Asmus collection as an entire set and be done. Not making the offer here. Rather, if I do sell them I’m just trying to get a general idea from other collectors what a reasonable price tag would be. Like what is their actual value? Fair market value, etc.

To provide better context they’re all in excellent condition (with one exception for which I include a solution):

Crown series Gandalf the Gray with upgraded head sculpt and two upgraded hats
Crown series Gandalf the White
SLIM version rooted hair Aragorn (flaking to one elbow of pleather coat, but includes brand new excellent quality replacement leather coat that honestly looks better the original) plus Anduril
Legolas deluxe version from the Hobbit
SLIM version of all four hobbits

What’s a reasonable expectation about what this collection could fetch?
Now with InArt making a fellowship line—and especially with me running out of space to store boxes!—I’m thinking that it’s probably time to let go of the Asmus figures. I’ve enjoyed them for several years now, but the InArt versions will give me the fun of starting over with collecting them.

My hope is to sell the Asmus collection as an entire set and be done. Not making the offer here. Rather, if I do sell them I’m just trying to get a general idea from other collectors what a reasonable price tag would be. Like what is their actual value? Fair market value, etc.

To provide better context they’re all in excellent condition (with one exception for which I include a solution):

Crown series Gandalf the Gray with upgraded head sculpt and two upgraded hats
Crown series Gandalf the White
SLIM version rooted hair Aragorn (flaking to one elbow of pleather coat, but includes brand new excellent quality replacement leather coat that honestly looks better the original) plus Anduril
Legolas deluxe version from the Hobbit
SLIM version of all four hobbits

What’s a reasonable expectation about what this collection could fetch?
Personally as someone who buys second hand, depending on age, condition, etc. for figs that have been displayed I'd start with the base retail and knock off 30% - because, plastic ages. It's unavoidable. Joints may become brittle etc.

My own cutoff is no figure over 3 years (unless it's something I really want lol).

Here it sounds like some adjustments need to be made for extra accessories.

Anyway that would be my start listing plus shipping. I know this is a touchy subject as sellers love to see huge profits. But when I see a price that is bloated when I know the figure's age, and original cost, I get wary even if it is a rare piece. To me a bloated price = unscrupulous which means if there is an issue, the seller will probably tell me to pound sand. No way Thranduil is worth $1,000+ but he's been listed at that.

For instance, I've noticed DVD statues - included in DVD/BR Hobbit/LOTR sets = getting listed at high prices. Yeah, they may be rare-ish now yada yada. But 2-3X the original cost of the media set?????

Finally I won't pay much more than 2x original cost, and that's for statues - depending. Or to put it another way, I picked up a really beat up ASMUS Tauriel for ~50$ - missing accessories, etc. Because I wanna kitbash a female elf and I wanted the base outfit. She wasn't worth more than that. Something to keep in mind as customizers will be looking for good deals.

So I'd go below retail, more or less; and maybe at auction see what the market will bear. That's the true test IMO of "current worth" - e.g. if someone is willing to pay a big upcharge; then that's the current worth.
I'd personally wait for eBay 80% off selling fees and put them up for auction. I know some people hate eBay, but it has by far the widest reach.

You can always put a reserve price on the listing so you don't accidentally lose everything for a pittance. Some of those figures are seldom seen on there, so I wouldn't even know what 'buy it now' price would be appropriate.
Sell at what you paid for them individually.
Undersell if you need to move it quickly.
Let your fun of collecting them now become someone else's.
I'd personally wait for eBay 80% off selling fees and put them up for auction. I know some people hate eBay, but it has by far the widest reach.

You can always put a reserve price on the listing so you don't accidentally lose everything for a pittance. Some of those figures are seldom seen on there, so I wouldn't even know what 'buy it now' price would be appropriate.
Do you still get 80% off seller fees?
After the pandemic cleared up, eBay dropped it to 70%- although they’ve just done a surprise 80% one for the bank holiday weekend here in the U.K.

As for selling the fellowship, you do kind of have to drop the price when selling in bulk; I’d just start by asking for exactly what you paid for all of them - none have appreciated in value- then, depending on interest, gradually drop the price over time until they sell.
Do you still get 80% off seller fees?
After the pandemic cleared up, eBay dropped it to 70%- although they’ve just done a surprise 80% one for the bank holiday weekend here in the U.K.

As for selling the fellowship, you do kind of have to drop the price when selling in bulk; I’d just start by asking for exactly what you paid for all of them - none have appreciated in value- then, depending on interest, gradually drop the price over time until they sell.
Yeah I still get 80% off every 3 or 4 weeks, although the less I sell, the less offers they send me. Just after Christmas I sold 95% of my Hot Toys Star Wars collection using it.

I think I was offered 70% off once, but didn't have anything to sell at the time. I just miss the old £1 selling fees they used to offer!