If You Could Make A Movie...

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Malalaking Gagamba
Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
76, Totter's Lane
... what would it be about?

If I had millions to dispose of for a studio to make a movie I would make one either a) about the life of Syd Barrett or b) an epic about John Lennon. So yeah I would do movies about dead rockstars.

What would you do?
This may sound dumb but I've always wanted to write a movie about my time spent at PETCO. Kinda in the Clerks, Waiting, Employee of the Month sort of style. There were some crazy things that happened there and I honestly think if done right, would be hilarious.

But I'd have to star in it :D
This may sound dumb but I've always wanted to write a movie about my time spent at PETCO. Kinda in the Clerks, Waiting, Employee of the Month sort of style. There were some crazy things that happened there and I honestly think if done right, would be hilarious.

But I'd have to star in it :D

LOL! I had thought of something similar. Plenty of funny stories to be told when you work for a retail company. :rock
I have a few ideas i hope to get done some day. But there are two ideas that's getting the most attention. An Anime and a Western (Sergio Leone style:D). Israel's (The Ill Jedi) getting a small part in it:D
I would remake both Star Wars trilogies and make them better. :D

A John Lennon film is a good idea though. I'm really surprised they haven't made on yet (like Ray, Walk the Line, etc). Who would play Lennon? Heath Ledger might have been good. Johnny Depp maybe?
- A movie based on warhammer 40k inquisitors.

- A movie about Vampire the Masqurade

-A trilogy based on the clans of Legend of the Five Rings.

and last but not least...

- A movie based on The Walking Dead!
This may sound dumb but I've always wanted to write a movie about my time spent at PETCO. Kinda in the Clerks, Waiting, Employee of the Month sort of style. There were some crazy things that happened there and I honestly think if done right, would be hilarious.

But I'd have to star in it :D

Reminds me on the 3 years I spent at Pizza Hut in high school. We used to drink beer after hours, jump off the roof, have wrestling matching in the dinning area and do several other things that won't be mentioned here:lol.....We had some hot waitresses there back then.
I've written a couple screenplays in my day but have never had the time nor balls to get them made.

One is a very semi autobiographical screenplay about a very weird point in my life. The other is a slasher comedy about killer furniture.

If money were no object, I'd make a romantic comedy where the world just explodes at the end for no reason and nothing gets resolved.
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I would make a movie about flame wars on a nerd forum...

Or a great movie in the Aliens franchise.
I'd make a Highlander Trilogy, it'd basically be the first movie broken up into 3 movies with more storyline elements and more immortals and more sides fighting and more characters dying, so by the time there is only one, the audience feels a real sense of loss for the fallen and importance of being the only one...

It'd be like LoTRs & OT Star Wars
Movie 1, Origin of Connor (His prophecy to be the only one) & Meeting up of good immortals (Duncan & Ramirez ETC) and defeating a Kurgan army attack... Happy Ending...
Movie 2, Training and developing story & characters, love stories etc, final battle The Kurgan kills Ramirez & Connors wife, Sad Ending,
Movie 3, Final death of all supporting characters and final battle between Conner & the Kurgan! Happy Ending with sense of loss & accomplishment

To be shot as one movie and all history based elements of story told in flashbacks…
I would make a movie based loosely on a what I thought was a creepy and strange event from my childhood. Well really it happened to my mothers cousin. But it is a story that I have heard many times.

First and foremost, I would make a huge epic about the year 1066 in English history. SOOO many badass things happened that year, and it really made a huge impact on world history since. A very very important 12 months in world history. I would probably tell it from either Tostig of Northumbria's eyes (as he is the most tragic and twisted character) or William the *******'s POV.

Or I would tell a classic horror tale about the existence of vampires in modern day, with a bit of the history of vampire lore tossed in for good measure. Just a very modern and realistic take on the classic tale of the blood sucker. I would go for more of what the original vampire's in mythology looked like. Very Nosferatu in design, but perhaps a bit more subhuman. No dapper gentlemen hunting in high society or beautiful men and women who can turn into bats or mist at will. No, I'm looking for something to truly be afraid of again. Think 30 Days of Night on Crack, something so demented and twisted that you will not be able to sleep for years without imagining my vampyre staring in from your window. :devil
I always wanted to make a movie about the three years I spent working at The Gap. It was during those "off years" where they had T-Shirts with T-Shirts on them and Jeans that were Gold Blasted and bull**** like that. The group of people I worked with and how nuts everything was while ahving to conform to what they considered "The Gap Way" and all the strange changes that went on I think it'd be a movie that people would swear up and down was fake and funny as all holy hell.
I would make a movie of the game Mass Effect, and then Bioshock.

Also I'd make some kind of doomsday-creepy-last-people-fighting-to-survive-or-is-it? movie.

Maybe a big screen adaptation of This Present Darkness.