If You Could Make A Movie...

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I would remake John Rambo and Rocky 6 as one movie....Rocky goes to Iraq as part of a USO tour to fight an exhibition match. His convoy gets captured and he gets kidnapped. The terrorists realize who they have kidnapped and threaten to kill Rocky if the US doesn't withdraw from Iraq.... The Pentagon cannot allow an American Hero like Rocky to be killed.....Enter Rambo, he is convinced to go save Rocky, you can imagine all the gun battles, explosions etc, eventually Rambo saves Rocky , but not before he gets wounded Rocky picks Rambo and carries him on his back to a waiting helicopter, but, Bin Laden himself intercepts them and Rocky and Bin Laden go toe to toe in a crazy fist fight(hey it is a Rocky movie as well, there has to be a fight in it). Rocky is down and almost defeated, in a desperate lunge Rocky snaps Bin Laden's neck with an uppercut. They arrive home American Heroes, Rambo for having defeated the insurgents, Rocky for killing Bin Laden and newly elected president Arnold Schwarzenegger presents them with medals. Chewbacca roars, cue closing credits.

Hey it's my movie ok?:monkey3

If that doesn't work my Sideshow versus Medicom script is almost done.
PORN...oh right, that's not right
I would remake John Rambo and Rocky 6 as one movie....Rocky goes to Iraq as part of a USO tour to fight an exhibition match. His convoy gets captured and he gets kidnapped. The terrorists realize who they have kidnapped and threaten to kill Rocky if the US doesn't withdraw from Iraq.... The Pentagon cannot allow an American Hero like Rocky to be killed.....Enter Rambo, he is convinced to go save Rocky, you can imagine all the gun battles, explosions etc, eventually Rambo saves Rocky , but not before he gets wounded Rocky picks Rambo and carries him on his back to a waiting helicopter, but, Bin Laden himself intercepts them and Rocky and Bin Laden go toe to toe in a crazy fist fight(hey it is a Rocky movie as well, there has to be a fight in it). Rocky is down and almost defeated, in a desperate lunge Rocky snaps Bin Laden's neck with an uppercut. They arrive home American Heroes, Rambo for having defeated the insurgents, Rocky for killing Bin Laden and newly elected president Arnold Schwarzenegger presents them with medals. Chewbacca roars, cue closing credits.


First off to guys wanting to remake original star wars trilogy, you don't need to; they are perfect the way they are.

If I was goign to make a movie, it would be on The Silmarillion. One of my favorite books.
Ther tale of Beren and Luthien from Tolkiens SILMARILLION would make an excellent film. It has everything a great film should have and would do great business.
The uprising and downfall Documentary of George Lucas. I would have Michael Moore be my executive producer.:rolleyes::lol:rotfl
A western with vampyers always seemed like a cool idea to me. Gunslingers, vampyers and a old west town during the frontier time, cult classic.

Rogue Trooper needs to be filmed, an epic sci-fi war film set on another planet.

Days of thunder needs to be made into a much better film than the rubbish that was released, read this in school and loved it and could'nt believe they screwed it up.
If possible, a screen adaptation of Timothy Zahn's Star Wars Trilogy, "Heir to the Empire" , "Dark Force Rising" and "The Last Command."

Now to see who to cast for Mara Jade and Grand Admiral Thrawn...?
If possible, a screen adaptation of Timothy Zahn's Star Wars Trilogy, "Heir to the Empire" , "Dark Force Rising" and "The Last Command."

Now to see who to cast for Mara Jade and Grand Admiral Thrawn...?

It would be great if Lucasfilm did these animated like the new clone wars, Shadows of the Empire would be a sweet animated film also.