Man, I remember those episodes scared me. I mean some demon stalking you is just messed up. That's scary crap there!
BTW, new episode of Ghost Adventures tonight.
Did you watch their 7 hour special on Haloween night?
It's because they don't want average rubes watching TV writing it down and pulling out the ouija board to summon it. Sounds stupid but people do it.
I saw the ghost of Michael Jackson on CNN once.
Watch the new GA last night, that all spectrum camera is the shz, see that is what I'm talking about they went to the hot spot and started using that one guys special camera invention and tried to capture the entities. Ghost Hunters is still hunting back in the year 2000.
Aaron cracks my isht up all the time btw!!! The woman on the episode that was explaining the events that were happening there was like they only bother you in you are afraid, kind of like animals that they can sense that you are afraid. Zack says *pointing at Aaron* that's exactly why we have THIS GUY!!!!![]()
Great episode last night of GA! Yeah, that spectrum camera was bad ass. I mean you actually could see the entity moving around and laying on the couch. They should have brought the camera into the crawl space where that demon/ghost was hanging around in. How about the EVPs Zak captured in there:
"I want your energy"
Aaron is bleepin' hysterical! He's just scared s***less. He always has that, "No, I'm not going in there" look on his face.
Ski, don't you dare miss next Tuesdays special 1 hour Paranormal State.![]()
last nights episode of GA was great and i do like it better than ghosthunters i mean they dont show anything they run away from everything it's stupid like why go there but its the complete opposite with GA
I saw the ghost of Michael Jackson on CNN once.
Great episode last night of GA! Yeah, that spectrum camera was bad ass. I mean you actually could see the entity moving around and laying on the couch.
I hate it when people just start filming me when I move around and lie on the couch...
I hate it when people just start filming me when I move around and lie on the couch...
I hate it when people just start filming me when I move around and lie on the couch...
Hey Ski, Paranormal State on tonight. Just checked the guide for the description and I don't think it's about demon/entitiy that's been following Ryan from previous episodes.
Still though, a one hour special from a penitentiary should be good.![]()
Is it on tonight, what time I'm home from the gym all ready![]()
Is there a Ghost show thread, I think we really need one, or a thread that says "ANYTHING GHOST RELATED"?