Super Freak
I still have capes and tunics left if anyone is interested.
I'm not certain why but my tunic is different lengths at the boot toe and my cape is all kinds of uneven, right side touches the ground and the left side is way off it. Not sure if it is a result of my bunching or just the way its cut.
Anyone else have uneven cape length and / or tunic length? I don't want to pull too much on the material to try and even it out. I may have to refutz this guy tomorrow and see if I did something wrong. Still looks way better than the Sideshow cape and especially the tunic. I thought I'd miss the silk lining but I really don't.
Here's the simplest pic to show what I did...
Pretty straight forward. Just give the string enough room to spread out a bit -- shoulder length.
Thank you, sir. You started all this with that damn body so I appreciate the nod.
I'm sure my uneveness is a result of my unique cinching. Perhaps I should redo it and take it slower this time. I would like to take anopther crack at getting this just perfect.
These capes are still available if anyone is interested.
I'm interested.