Ilum Padme?

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They're still trying to unload them.

I bet they sell better now that Wicket is coming.

That's funny. I was thinking it was because of Brant. If they release a Scout Trooper I think that would clear the lot right out. I wouldn't mind a couple but I'm biding my time until they really drop in price.
I would buy one I think to go with Wicket (especially with 99 cent shipping and my reward points)... but they only have the bundle available on the site. No way I need or want all three, and not at $179.

Congrats King. A freebie Endor dude is the only way to get one.
Xander, the body is not new. It was used for Sarah Conner and couple others. And even then, it was only a slight modification from the original. I have autopsy Scully in front of me and she has the same neck and similar, if not identical, joints.
Where is this illusive chat???

Gosh, I more outta the loop than Crispen Glover at the Oscars!
In all seriousness... she has some crazy monkey arms going on :monkey1:monkey1

Although the Leia Boussh kinda does to, but its not so noticeable.
If they were going to bother changing the female body, they needed to put some curve in the thighs and seriously focus on the hip/pelvis so that it didn't cause weird things to happen to tight clothing in the areas that matter the most.
That really could be the reason the prototype is being stressed so much. Maybe they are going to use a new body on her, but its not ready for display?
I'm still blown away that not much attention went into the QTVR to notice the ******** going on, that or it was noticed and we got some silly marketing people over there or something, it still blows me away to see that clear as day.
This is just my opinion, take it for what it's worth...

I am seriously dissapointed! And I was really looking forward to this figure! Maybe it's me but I don't find any resemblence to Portman what so ever (Portman is hot, this figure's not)! In fact, if I had not already known what this figure was... There's no way I would have known it's based on Natalie Portman... Never would have even entered my mind!

And it's not just that the figure "doesn't" look anything like Natalie Portman, it's that it looks so bad (calling it ugly would be being kind)! This figure is just awfull... She looks bald for christ sake! After all this time, they went back to the drawing board for this one too... They need to go back to it again!

Like I said, I was really looking forward to this figure so it not only surprises but pains me as well to say... I'm going to "pass" on this one! I just can't bring myself to buy something like that...

This is just my opinion, take it for what it's worth...

I am seriously dissapointed! And I was really looking forward to this figure! Maybe it's me but I don't find any resemblence to Portman what so ever (Portman is hot, this figure's not)! In fact, if I had not already known what this figure was... There's no way I would have known it's based on Natalie Portman... Never would have even entered my mind!


ok so i'm not crazy thank you.
whooooooo-eeeeeee......TOUGH crowd! :eek::eek::eek:



I'm passing on the figure, probably, but it's not the face. (I'd just have Josh repaint it.) I think there's a great likeness there. You did a great job again.

I just don't think the costume design works well in this format or on that body. Also, I think there might be a problem with an ultra-realistic face and the costume which worked will in a highly stylized cartoon.


Yes they are, welcome to the SSF SW section, they are brutal, and NOTHING is every good enough.

Unless its Medicom and your a **********

Yep, very tough crowd - and perhaps blind?

Why is this the response to polite criticism?
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We've seen the unpainted portrait, and it was dead-on Portman. So that leaves SSC's paint application, which is what I think damages the likeness. She's got a bizarre "hopped up on coke" bugeye look that is very strange.

The costume is a strange material as well and brings out the unflattering shape of the female Buck body. Additionally, she seems to have the bobble head syndrome as well.
The sculpt looks fine to me (well done trev) and although I'd rather eat my own liver with a rusty spoon than buy any tooned up EU figure, it does augur well for an arena Padme in the near future. Now that i will defintely buy.
Camel toe included please!:D
Well, perhaps I am vision impaired but IMO the bare sculpt is very nice and is an excellent resemblance. Unfortunately the paint application is not very flattering and gives a very hard and aged appearance to the young and attractive Miss Portman, at least in the prototype were being shown. It's a shame to ruin the sculptors work this way. The only reason I would be purchasing this figure is for the likeness and unless the paint is vastly improved I won't be. Sorry if it seems like I'm hatin', but this is not a very well executed figure.