Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'
This is another reason why I passed on Tuco and Angel Eyes haha, I have to be selective now with all these great figures coming out, I mean Iminime alone is releasing (out of the figures I want):
Die Hard
District 9
Wizard of Oz
Fight Club
Kill Bill
and now...
haha my poor wallet.
On that list, pretty much everything catches my eye, with the exception of D9 and KB (even though, KB looks fantastic, and I'm sure D9 will, as well). Memento strikes me die to my being a Nolan fan, but, honestly, I don't think I'm a big enough fan to own a figure. His Batman obviously struck a chord, but I'm not sure I would own any figures, and, in some ways, I think Howard Chan kind of got that right with his whole "suits" thing. Mainly because, honestly, I always saw his films as working so well because of the way his casts collaborate as ensembles (I.e. It doesn't really fall on one performance).
Wizard of Oz catches my attention just based on how iconic it is, and how awesome it's shaping up, but I'm not a big enough fan to see myself purchasing them. That being said, if I win the powerball, I'd absolutely be in.
The two that grab me are Die Hard and The Godfather, and, not on that list, The Last of Us and Dirty Harry, but, even then, A LOT would have to fall perfectly into place for that to happen (i.e. I get the rest of the trio, I settle up with hot toys for the year, take care of a few other things, and, in the case of those middle two, take care of the first and last one and pick up an HT Godfather, first).

That being said, my three must have IMINIME releases for this coming year are these two and Harry. Third place would go to McClane based on my love of the first Die Hard, but, even then, he's a long shot. That being said, if it means crossing hell and high water, I'll get my hands on these two and Dirty Harry.
In retrospect, I suppose Walt and Jesse would also be "eventual" wants, but, honestly, there are so many options for the former available on that front that I don't think they'll be too hard to come by.