Much better. Mouth looks a little small width wise, but all in all look great. Now bring on Uhura.
THAT'S what's been bugging me. It's the mouth. It's like he's puckering or something. from the nose up, it's fine
Much better. Mouth looks a little small width wise, but all in all look great. Now bring on Uhura.
The prototype likeness is off. lol. Look at them objectively. It's clear which one LOOKS more like Pine
Ok, here's my photoshopped "fix":
What I did:
- made the forehead wider on either side, or receded the hairline on the sides, however you want to call that
- "Painted" over the moles on the left cheek: Pine has them, Kirk doesn't
- changed the eyes
- edited the lips
Now, the first three are just paint really. An easy fix.
The third, all I did was take the left side of the lip (our left, not his), mirrored it over the right, then stretched it by all of about 2%. The stretching may not have even been needed. It's just a little off on the right, and needs a few paint touchups. No biggie!
Ok, here's my photoshopped "fix":
What I did:
- made the forehead wider on either side, or receded the hairline on the sides, however you want to call that
- "Painted" over the moles on the left cheek: Pine has them, Kirk doesn't
- changed the eyes
- edited the lips
Now, the first three are just paint really. An easy fix.
The third, all I did was take the left side of the lip (our left, not his), mirrored it over the right, then stretched it by all of about 2%. The stretching may not have even been needed. It's just a little off on the right, and needs a few paint touchups. No biggie!
Hey, Wake...are your figures numbered? If so, is the a chance of getting matching numbers for both Kirk & Spock?
Hey Wake is there anyway Denny would offer a second shirt with the Brash Captain set? The shirt I'm talking about is the black long sleeve shirt he wears in movies 1 and 2.