These guys aren't open yet. Not sure when they will.
Well, we've got this guy in-hand, and it won't be long until Tuco and Angel Eyes are up for order. Here's hoping we see Trevor and IMINIME take on Clint's other iconic role post-Pinkman!
That's the plan. Trevor started Jesse today
Does anybody know any good upgrade boots for Cowboy? I think Battlegear site has some, any other options I should be aware of?
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Riggs has cowboy shirt, and sheriff boots. The boots for Sheriff were changed from the proto pic's, and ended up like what you see on Riggs feet here.
You can get them on the bay, but they are black and have a slight center line. So you would need to rub that out with fine grit and paint them whatever color you require.
I took some Hot Toys foot pegs and sanded one of the ***** down on each peg and glued them into the hole inside the boot. You can just pop them on and off after you do that.