InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

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To be fair, these are behind the scenes. It doesn't look like that in the movie.
I disagree. His suit was just as shiny and metallic on screen. InArts suit just looks like cotton pajamas.




Hot Toys made a lot of errors with their Superman attempts, but they did nail the semi sheer blue look of the suit.


Compared to this
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I think Inart is open to feedback anyway so I guess bring them up to John or somebody from Queen Studios. I think the neck needs to be slightly thicker also.
I have a customized BVS Superman that I still prefer the suit from. The blue shade is a touch off, but the sheerness and larger more metallic red S shield, and more defined musculature edge it past InArts, in my opinion. Plus InArts suit looks a tad baggy and loose, particularly in the arms. There’s just no muscle definition. But if I can find a way to kitbash the head and neck from InArt’s I will.


I feel Prime 1 really hit this suit perfectly with their statue. Hopefully InArt keeps refining theirs

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Curious to see what, if any accessories InArt will include with the figure. The obvious one being the Kryptonite spear.

What other options do you all think could be added?
Based on the pics a couple pages back, he comes with the spear, a Batman cowl for the the knightmare sequence, and the chunk of kryptonite like the exclusive from the HT figure.
Less accessories means cheaper :D
Base looks minimal but nice, cool that he comes with the Batman cowl, wonder if its wearable so i can make him put it on for giggles.
I personally think the angry sculpt looks kinda ridiculous and couldn’t ever see myself displaying it that way.

As far as the rest of the figure.. meh. Still just okay. It’s not as impressive as other InArt offerings to date.
Yeah, hopefully IA can get it as close to that as possible. They're pretty minimal really. I didn't do any changes to the body, it's mostly colour and detail placement. The hardest change would probably be the sheen coming through the suit. A more sheer fabric would do it, but at that scale it would probably be really fragile. HT managed it pretty well, although it could have gone further.
OK gotcha. A lot of it could be the lighting I guess. Seems to be a weird setup there.

You'd have to think InArt at least purchased a Hot Toys figure and took it apart to understand how the metallic finish under the suit works among other things. That's how they did it in the movie as well.

So I'm hoping under the right lighting InArt behaves the same. Surely they wouldn't have missed that method.
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I personally think the angry sculpt looks kinda amazing and I couldn’t ever see myself not displaying it that way.
All depends on the pose I guess which is cool. I want a face off between Cavill and Batfleck, for these InArt versions, so the angry sculpt would suit that well.
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Please, please, please IA make some changes!
Post this all over InArt’s fb! That’ll get enough traction for them to take notice. That middle pic is what I want! I’m not a huge fan of the overly metallic sheen look with really defined muscle segments- I prefer it to blend a bit more naturally- and what you’ve made looks perfect for my tastes.

Also- an acrylic flight rod!! Why no love for this?!?! It’s the most common sense solution to having a discreet flight stand but HT refuses to implement it. Doesn’t look like it uses a waste grabber so there’s either a strong magnet or a plug that goes into the back.

I’m loving that rage-face and the proportions. I think HT’s persistent over-exaggeration of the human form will have warped a lot of perceptions.
This sort of thing happens with Transformers collectors all the time where a figure will exist that’s completely out of scale with other characters but, because people see their figures more frequently than they watch the show or movie, that becomes the primary point of reference.