Super Freak
I wish HT would give a s***. They only grudgingly made Cavill figures to begin with. The exact same body and sculpt for 3 different releases.This makes me interested to see HT's response.
View attachment 663892
I wish HT would give a s***. They only grudgingly made Cavill figures to begin with. The exact same body and sculpt for 3 different releases.This makes me interested to see HT's response.
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Indeed dear brother. I prefer the sameYea, ones like this with just a few accents of rooted hair seamlessly blended into the sculpted hair work really well and are the best of both worlds I think
You're right, but it took InArt's Joker to light a fire under HT's a$$ and give us the latest DX Ledger Joker. Hopefully, this makes them give a s**t again.....with Superman at least lolI wish HT would give a s***. They only grudgingly made Cavill figures to begin with. The exact same body and sculpt for 3 different releases.
Artisanofkrypton!You're right, but it took InArt's Joker to light a fire under HT's a$$ and give us the latest DX Ledger Joker. Hopefully, this makes them give a **** again.....with Superman at least lol
Which of the sellers seems to get InArt figures quickest ? Or have they all been somewhat similar ?
I'm sure most of us said that after InArt revealed they're Joker, then HT came out with they're response with the DX32 version(s). How many of us have that one order nowNah, InArt is the far better choice.
HT had their chance to make Superman worthy to be in our collection. FOUR chances.
We don’t need Ht for Superman. Just like we don’t need HT for IPs like Naruto, Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, LOTR…just to name a few.
Let them stick with marvel and SW.
I'm sure most of us said that after InArt revealed they're Joker, then HT came out with they're response with the DX32 version(s). How many of us have that one order now
Competition is always good for us collectors!
What annoys me the most is they didn't even make an attempt to do a proper ZSJL Superman. Purposely used an inaccurate, dated sculpt for the second time in a row.You’re absolutely right that competition is good for us. But HT haven’t given me any confidence they’ll put too much effort in their DC output.
You may be happy with their artisan joker, I’m luke warm on it. Nothing about it screams “instant purchase” for me.
In this case, we’ll be getting a stellar Cavillman by next year.
For me it’s “FINALLY. A Superman that looks amazing and has an angry heat ray portrait! And IA didn’t milk us 3 times to finally include it!”
It's super interesting the difference of opinions b/c when I saw Artisan Joker, I was nearly instantly like "yea, I want one" but that's also b/c I was never overly thrilled with my InArt Joker in-hand even though I was absolutely excited about it before hand. But, I can see how those who do love their InArt Joker to not be so crazy for the HT.You’re absolutely right that competition is good for us. But HT haven’t given me any confidence they’ll put too much effort in their DC output.
You may be happy with their artisan joker, I’m luke warm on it. Nothing about it screams “instant purchase” for me.
ThisIn this case, we’ll be getting a stellar Cavillman by next year.
For me it’s “FINALLY. A Superman that looks amazing and has an angry heat ray portrait! And IA didn’t milk us 3 times to finally include it!”
It's super interesting the difference of opinions b/c when I saw Artisan Joker, I was nearly instantly like "yea, I want one" but that's also b/c I was never overly thrilled with my InArt Joker in-hand even though I was absolutely excited about it before hand. But, I can see how those who do love their InArt Joker to not be so crazy for the HT.
ThisI think I mentioned it in some other thread recently, but, at these prices, I'm getting tired of having to customize stuff even though that was initially what made this hobby pretty enjoyable for me. So, to see InArt knock a lot of these out of the park from the get go (aside from Joker imho) is really nice.
Haha well for starters I'll say:Ahhh gipetto you’re breaking my heart with this IA Joker slander…SLANDER!! (j/k, love ya)
Sorry for spamming this pic of mine…but I have to. (It’ll be the last time, mods, I swear)
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How could anyone hate this?? HOW? TELL ME HOW SWAY-…I MEAN, TELL ME HOW GIPETTO?!
tastes and preferences are subjective, of course. Like myself, I felt HT’s offering wasn’t substantial enough to get. Had it been Nurse Joker? I’d be singing a different tune. But due to the events leading up to Artisan Joker:
1-Competitor “forced” their hand to upgrade.
2-H.Chan is the d-bag of d-bags.
3-Had to “outsource” this to remain relevant. Wasn’t technically made ‘in house” as (according to many posts here) they purchased a freelance artists work and repurposed it to serve their needs…with a (IMO) weak paint job and weird hair.
4-artificially limiting units to drum up publicity. It’s like sending a petty message to IA-“look at it, Viper. People had to line up like it’s Black Friday to get OUR joker. WE’RE STILL KING.”
…like, no **** Chan. You have 10,000 customers and your PO’s are limited to 3-4 thousand…HOW ELSE WAS THIS GONNA PLAY OUT??
5-it’s another purple suit joker.
All of that combined led to me being ‘MEH’ on this release.
Not saying you or anyone else that PO’d it are ‘lesser’ collectors…I’m not THAT type of collector. But it didn’t compel me in the slightest.
That's how I've felt a lot about my previous Superman figures as well as other characters. I feel that way about InArt Joker currently as explained aboveAnd right on with Superman. So far IA are hitting all the right notes. Release a banger right out of the gate. Don’t leave your customers ‘wanting’. I too have sought out different options for HT Superman and have spent quite a bit of money and time doing so. And the result is: it’s better than what I had before…but could be better.
IA’s Superman seems to have solved this problem.
But of course, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. Let’s wait and see, and remain optimistic.
Haha well for starters I'll say:
I definitely do NOT hate the InArt Joker or the company itself. I just wasn't as wowed when I opened the TDK Joker box like a lot of others were. I was/am a bit disappointed with it. I have more faith in Gandalf based on what we've seen and of course, the main man, Aragorn. It's definitely my problem though as the reason I stopped collecting TDK/Nolanverse was b/c I was too 'zoomed' in on it the way our dear member Nick D is. It was driving me nuts so I had to "cut the cord" with Nolanverse after I got and sold the DX12 in about 30 days. I only got back in b/c of InArt's proto as well as so many lauding over the DX19 when it released. Like even now, I'm considering getting those stupid expensive replacement shoes for Joker b/c the stock ones bother me that much as well as potentially dyeing the vest and shirt to hopefully get their colors closer to what I want. And after seeing some of those recent repaints, man, now I want to get mine repainted as well! That's even more money![]()
As for the rest about HT and what lead them to make this new artisan line, honestly that stuff doesn't matter to meI know a lot of ppl harbor ill will for Howard Chan and I understand it, but I really don't care. At the end of the day, we, the collector, almost win. I say almost b/c for all that I like about the artisan line, as well as the push for better sculpts with moving eyes as a standard, I absolutely hate the limited numbers and timed POs. And, of course I don't want HT/Chan to bully InArt to floating away into the ether in the way he did Enterybay. But, I don't play favorites. If a company puts something out I like, I'll buy it. Almost like gaming systems where you have PC vs XBOX vs Playstation. That kind of stuff doesn't resonate with me. I'm no loyalist to one company and this hobby should be fun so I don't let those kinds of things get me riled up. Ppl will refuse to watch an actor b/c of their personal lives, but I'll still go see the movie if it's a good movie. I could almost careless about what they do on their own time. For figures, lots of times I'll buy the two competing products just so I can personally see what it's like in hand. I did the when Enterbay-x-Medicom did their Jack Sparrow at the same time the DX06 was released and I kept all the parts that made sense and sold the rest. I try to be critical of both as well as credit both when they do a nice job.
InArt has been great to the 1/6 world as they've pretty much forced a new standard which I think we're all grateful for (except those guys who have their masculinity threatened just by some rooted hair). But that doesn't mean I'm going to discredit HT for what they did for the 1/6 industry either. Sure, they got reeeeeally complacent. I think we can all agree on that; plus, while their response has been good, it's also almost laughable in the sense that they're trying to catch up to this new standard. But they were and sometimes still are the standard to be met in most cases. When folks compare quality, it's still usually "Well, it's not HT quality but it's still good for what it is." Or "how can they charge HT prices, but give us 3rd Party quality?"
From what we can see, only Anakin is the real show stopper for this Artisan line so far IMO. My best friend absolutely loves Scarlet Witch and I was prepared to attempt to get an Artisan figure for her. Thankfully for me, she likes the sculpted hair version more and I have to agree. She didn't know why b/c she's not into this hobby like we are. She even told me that she felt like she should like the rooted hair more but sculpted looked better to her. The hair line alone is still a miss on the Artisan Scarlet Witch, especially when you look at what InArt did with the hairline for Pennywise and Gandalf who's I think is even better than their TDK Joker.
Back to Artisan Joker, I don't think he's the beez-neez, perfect or necessarily better than the InArt either btw. But, having been disappointed with the InArt offering, I'm excited to see what the HT turns out like in-hand as there's a lot I like about the proto. To be fair, there was a lot I liked about the InArt proto as well so we'll see.
That's how I've felt a lot about my previous Superman figures as well as other characters. I feel that way about InArt Joker currently as explained above
Even as amazing as this BvS Superman proto currently looks, the shoulder glyphs are still too low. Could be a futzing issue so we'll have to see once we have more pic. But, from what we can see, it's looking to be leaps and bound above the HT offerings.
I wonder how much this is going to cost in AUD…. Doesn’t matter I’m still buying it ahaha
Ahahahaha fmd man it’s so hard to not spend money on all these amazing collectablesI see you're being a responsible adult all over the place.