InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

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I have to agree with what some others have said. While it’s an upgrade to the HT for sure, there’s nothing particularly “wow” factor for me here. With Aragorn, he looks like a real miniature Viggo at least in prototype stage. This figure doesn’t have that same level of “holy crap I feel like I’m looking at the real Henry Cavill!” the same way Aragorn or even Gandalf have.

To me, this is looking a bit more like a true 2.0 if HT actually tried vs what I’ve come to expect from InArt.

I like the accessories and more realistic hands. I hope that acrylic rod is strong enough to not bend over time from the weight of the figure.
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This is what I'm saying, body proportions aren't accurate. Henry's photo is from Jakks Pacific photoshoot where they scanned Trinity bodies for the merchandise. View attachment 664758
Maybe Hot Toys weren't so far from the the mark re: thighs. I mean it's all foam, but on screen is on screen.

InArt still looks good, and to be honest more anatomically realistic.
Where did you find out the details of exactly how it will be done ? I originally asked for it during their open improvement questions on FB, and I'm an engineer too. So glad they did it like that !

edit : that'll teach me not to read until the end of the thread. Updated pics on FB.

Perfect implementation imo. No hole.

View attachment 664760
I'm just making my judgement from the photos they have on their website, looks like you can hide the hole from the zipping the suit back on etc. But I agree it's a great idea.

Only thing that would be ever better would be a movable/articulated pole when you're doing more dynamic poses. But then anyone wouldn't want to leave their figure with that fabric posed for a long time.. most likely close to museum pose so it's not a big deal.
I have to agree with what some others have said. While it’s an upgrade to the HT for sure, there’s nothing particularly “wow” factor for me here. With Aragorn, he looks like a real miniature Viggo at least in prototype stage. This figure doesn’t have that same level of “holy crap I feel like I’m looking a real Henry Cavill!” the same way Aragorn or even Gandalf have.

The distance from today's available Aragorns and Gandalfs to InArts Aragorn and Gandalf is a much, much wider gap than perhaps the distance between HT and InArt's Cavill. I mean, Cavill looks so fake in real life to begin with, plus the unrealistic skin-suit... that's the problem.

An InArt Keaton Bats probably wouldn't look all that amazing in terms of being lifelike either.
The distance from today's available Aragorns and Gandalfs to InArts Aragorn and Gandalf is a much, much wider gap than perhaps the distance between HT and InArt's Cavill. I mean, Cavill looks so fake in real life to begin with, plus the unrealistic skin-suit... that's the problem.

An InArt Keaton Bats probably wouldn't look all that amazing in terms of being lifelike either.
:bat2: :shakingfist::angryfist:
With this being a year away, I can still see InArt making improvements on this until almost the end. Considering they made improvements already, we've seen them continue to make alterations.

The only one that would stick out slightly is IT, which would've used some clothes tailoring, mostly to trim some of the shoulder puffiness and the collar. Aside from that I'm looking forward to Aargorn and Gandalf
The distance from today's available Aragorns and Gandalfs to InArts Aragorn and Gandalf is a much, much wider gap than perhaps the distance between HT and InArt's Cavill. I mean, Cavill looks so fake in real life to begin with, plus the unrealistic skin-suit... that's the problem.

An InArt Keaton Bats probably wouldn't look all that amazing in terms of being lifelike either.
I have to disagree about the amount of distance between figures being a factor on whether or not it looks impressive. Whether that distance is in terms of quality and/or time between releases. I don’t think there’s anything about the costume or Cavill’s Superman that looks any more “fake” that it gives it an excuse to not translate well into collectible form compared to other collectibles.

If InArt were to tackle Keaton Batman and make his suit accurate to the movie rather than taking the all rubber route that HT has done for their ‘89 and Returns release, I’d argue it would certainly look more lifelike than HT current efforts. In keeping with Keaton, I’d say I was more impressed with HT old man Keaton than I currently am with this InArt Superman.

Again, that’s not to say this InArt Superman doesn’t look good. It’s certainly does. But I’m just not wow’d by it.
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