Well colour me excited!
These books (And the
far superior Terry Pratchett Discworld series) were the first books I learned to really read for the fun of it... and given that reading/writing define both my career and my leisure time that is a really important connection to me.
I remember starting with the Goblet of Fire which had just came out because I didnt understand they were a series with a singular story, getting really confused albeit intrigued, learning from my teacher I was reading them out of order and then DEVOURING the books - as a
child I read the entirety of Order of the Phoenix in a single day ( a book so thick and heavy you could realistically clobber an ox to death with it)
The movies share a very special place in my childhood to me, and no matter how much JK seems intent on burning her own legacy to the ground, the movies remain timeless in a way - a comforting slice of nostalgia.
Super excited to see how this turns out and feeling a little apprehensive about the amount of money I would find myself spending on the HP characters I really love.
For me the must-haves are:
- Harry -
obviously (would limit myself to a Philosopher's Stone/Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire only)
- Snape
- McGonnagal
- Dumbledore (I prefer Richard Harris, but would be seriously tempted to pick up Gambon as well)
The strong contenders (pretty much must-haves but price depending) are:
- Hagrid
- Voldemort
The "would love to but at this point I'm worried about becoming homeless" are:
- Professor Quirrell (with Voldy on back of head)
- Mad Eye Moody
- Sirius Black (in Azkaban escapee look)
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Lucius Malfoy
There are character I love but didn't care to include because I didnt really want a shelf entirely composed of teenagers or men in roaring '20s three piece suits.
One character, who is a great character with a strong and individual visual presence that I
don't want is Umbrage - I hate that evil ***** so much I abhor the idea of collecting her on my shelf!