Honestly, I'm probably just throwing mine out when the InArt one comes in. I can't even be bothered to take the time to try and sell it.
This is why I don't buy figures with the expectation of selling for a profit or even breaking even. Too often there are either reissues or a better version comes along. I have the original and Crown GTGs (as welll as the upgrade head sculpt). I also have the InArt coming. I'll eventually sell the Asmus figures for whatever I can, although I may hold on to the Crown+Upgrade depending on how it compares to the InArt.
Same with Aragorn. I have the Asmus with a repainted and rehaired portrait (which looks fantastic) and the InArt coming. I'll see how the two compare and either sell one or keep both.
I am waiting to see if InArt produces Legolas as I skipped Asmus's 2nd attempt. I'm also curious to see if InArt produces Gimili or any/all of the
Fellowship Hobbits or if the threat of that possibility lights a fire under Asmus to upgrade those portraits. In those cases, I'd probably opt for $125-$150 upgrades over $300+ InArts.
Asmus has done a good job of creating a pretty prolific 1/6 LotR line. While there are certainly more characters they can add (such as Lurtz, Denathor, Eowyn in gown, Wormtongue, cursed Theoden, Battle Trolls and Sauron) I think they'd be very smart to offer upgraded portraits (such as Saruman, Galadriel, Hobbits), and accessories (like hobbit armors, half Treebeard base). I'm not interested in characters outside of the movies and would only pick up a handful of figures from
The Hobbit, if any.
I'm mostly done with 1/6
LotR, so at this point it's primarily about getting the best looking representations I can.