Lmao, what does being a dude have to do with anything?I know, when I typed i swore I left the "s" off the name.
Then when I saw it decided IDK...it's the internet.
Sometimes the hair rooted looks great. Those Aragorn pics when people style the hair are fantastic...but I am a guy. I just can't style hair or want to 3 time a year...
But I just can't. I tell people when I do customs, I kind of want to get it accurate, but settle for close enough.
It's probably my personality. Like when I watch movies, I cannot remember the color of say, Aragorns boots...black, brown, tan or green...beats me. Probably brown?
I am just one of those people....
But yeah, rooted ain’t for everyone. All good. Sounds to me you’re just not in tune with the details, which to me isn’t surprising even in this particular hobby, but caring about inaccuracies and the minute details is a big part for some, especially more so here on this forum.