i would like a set thanks
i would like a set thanks
Hi guys. Unfortunately no progress has been made with the Inception stuff and the project is on a hiatus. The reason behind this is that my dad was helping me work on this project in the start. He is real good with the machine tools needed to fashion the difficult and unique parts. We were working as a team I would design it he would cut it and I would assemble. Unfortunately my dad has Parkinsons disease and during this project I had progressed and he wasn't able to work on the parts with me any further. And I don't have the skills yet to work with those machines so that is why the project has taken a hiatus.
I did have big plans for this project but you can't predict life and what will happen. I would love to finish this project someday but as for now it put on hold. Sorry for those who were looking forward to this but its just how things happened. This wont happen with any future projects because I now try to have the entire set made before I even announce what it is. That way the situation can be avoided. Again I am sorry for the fall through on this project and I hope everyone understands.