I am taking deep breaths and counting to ten over and over again. You guys need to cut Daniel some slack. You are not commissioning these sculpts. You are buying copies of a sculpt he is doing out of the goodness of his heart for some collectors. I am not buying eithe rof these sculpts as I have no desire to either see the movie or own a Leonardo Di Crappio figure. He has already stated that he spent over twice his usual sculpting time on these heads. And that was mainly to keep the nit-pickers at bay. Daniel is a super talented artist and a really nice guy but if I was him I would throw both sculpts in the garbage and tell some of you to pay the money to commission these heads. Some of the guys in this thread sound like they have shelled out over $400 to have Daniel sculpt it for them instead of offering to buy a $30 cast when it is all done. Do the math. If Daniel can earn his fee by knocking out a sculpt in 12 to 15 hours then his is already losing money by spending twice that long on the Cobb and Arthur sculpts. Plus, on these sculpts there is no commissioner so he has to now sell twice as many of these sculpts as he would of his McClane sculpt (which he did in half the time it took to do these two). You are going to chase him away. I am obviously not as patient as he is because I would have walked away by now. I would sculpt the heads and cast them and sell them and I would have the final say. And I am just going by the posts in these threads. I am sure his PM box is full of idiotic rants about nose size and distance between eyes and other esoterica. By my count, we have exactly one (1), count 'em, one sculptor who is on these boards with any sort of regularity and availability and some people are driving him bananas with endless posts about noses and what not. He is obviously a gentleman because he didn't get angry and tell certain people where to go but you just have to read his post yesterday closely to tell how upset he was. And the most heinous offenders, instead of sincerely apologizing and admitting what a$$es they were, either remain completely silent (and I am thinking of the member who is selling his figures rather than put sub-standard heads on them) or patting Daniel on the head like an obedient dog for finally getting the F'ing nose right. It's crap.
I am all for getting the best head sculpts we can get but at the end of the day (say all you want about high-end collectibles) it's a toy, a doll, an action figure. You want absolute perfection pay Leonardo Di Caprio to come over and sit on a shelf in your den. But until you can swing that deal cut poor Daniel some slack.