When you're right, you're right. But it gives everyone else something to aim for.
This are from Yahoo Japan's auction site, aren't they? Artist calls himself KMIRO?
And I will always try to improve.
When I saw this kind of work, back when I first got online, I was very intimidated by it. In some ways, I still am. To quote Merlin in Excalibur,
"There's always something cleverer than yourself!" so I know it's no easy task, and in some ways, may even be a but futile if you just can't reach it. But, that's no reason not to try.
I for one LOVE seeing this level of work posted. We (the artists here) need it.
We need to be put in our places every now and again.
But, to be honest, what I see when I see work like that, is time. Time, patience, skill, practice, magnification, and expense. Expense to own. IF I could paint that cleanly, and I am aiming for it of course, I know my price would go up. Be ready for that with that level of mastery. That work must be very costly.
But, like Gruff says, that level is something to aim for.
I envy the Asian masters their skills. Their discipline. I always look on with wonder. But, because I do this every day myself, I also can't help but want to be that good. So, I soldier onward. I hope the others do too. We can all be better than we are. In fact, it remains to be seen whether everyone, with the right motivations and time, can't be more the artist than even they believe possible. These kinds of works show me that.
BTW, I want that Chaplin too!