You beat me to it!
BTW, how's the Swordsman 12"? Is it at least halfway decent, as it appears in the pics?
The 12" Indys look horrible.
The 12" Indys are RANK dude! Below government standards!
BUT, I can put the halfway decent molded shoes on my own custom, (I like 'em!) and I LOVE the whip Indy's bag! It needs that buckle at mid chest, but it is an awesome extra for a Hasbro!
The Swordsman is the BEST of the lot, BY FAR! I literally threw away the stupid snakes that come with him (snakes???Why that for this guy???) and he will do some body shifting soon. He is too small for my 12" custom, not sure why...hasbro bodies???...anyway, he's not bad though. Needs garments under that robe though...dude's packing heat under there!
Anyway, the Mutt is rough, but I figured I'd use the halfway decent pants and shirt, and repaint the face, and put a jacket on him, get him some better accessories, and he'll be ok for me. Not that worried about Mutt.
That Talking Indy is WEIRD though!
THE oddest mouth thing ever! I was showing dudes at Walmart, and the whole electronics department was cracking up at it! There are sad things possible with that figure. At least the coat, WITH ALTERATIONS, is servicable, and the folded whip is nice for me, since I didn't have one I liked for my custom Indy anyway. There are bits.
Most all goes to my parts bin anyway...
But, swordsman is not bad at all. Seriously. Love the headsculpt. Looks just like him to me. Can't wait to paint it!
Added: Kids will LOVE these though! For playing, they are ok! The whipping Indy will CRACK YOU UP! Funny as hell!
WHiipppow!!! WHiipppow!!! WHiipppow!!!