Screenshots are up on They look like N64 graphics. Really bad.
Don't say anything negative about this crap game or you'll be "stewing in your bitter juices"!
Screenshots are up on They look like N64 graphics. Really bad.
I have no interest in playing games on the Wii. My cousin got one for Christmas and he brings it out when he comes over. I lost interest in it after about three weeks.
And after the disappointment the The Force Unleashed was (I know it wasn't for everyone, but for me it was) I wouldn't have high hopes for this one.
Bet you're a big draw at parties.
Yeah, yeah, some of you don't like the Wii. Get over it, and get over yourselves. Talking about how you don't like the Wii gets you nowhere. No one's impressed by the big, bad graphics machine you own. ************ is still in doubt.
Oh, it's definitely shovelware. I had it confirmed.
Wii's the biggest seller out there. Why would they make this a 360 arcade game?
So PS3 and 360 sit this one out. S'cool.
Lucasarts has a page up on this game. Screen shots don't look so hot, I agree, but I am still excited about this game.
Meh, Emperors Tomb was the only good Indy game anyway.
Fate of Atlantis is still to this day the best Indy game, and also better then Crystal Skull. Tomb is hated amogst alot of people who didn't care for the zombie plot line.