That cant be right. They had the license and had it up for order. Losing the license would not have prevented them selling what had already been approved/solicited. Now, there never would have been a Mummy or anything else, but if it had sold, they wouldnt have pulled the plug.
I am not that plussed about Feb. I needed this either in advance of the Holidays or a bit after, but things are stacking up big time based on the Coming soon section of yesterdays news letter. Q1 FY14 is going to be BRUTAL as far as releases go, mostly because very little has trickled out the last half of this year. It almost feels like all SSC does is solicit without ever delivering anything (cough sycho, cough cough).
Really banking on this being Proto Good. My wife is an Indy fan, so this will green light alot of my other purchases if it comes out well.