Started watching LC last night but I have a very difficult time getting through the first 45 min or so... Basically up until Sr gets involved it plays so slap stick that its almost embarrassing to watch. Especially since I just watched RAIDERS the night before. How about in just the opening sequence alone we get WAY to much info.
He discovers everything... His scare, whip for the first time, fear of snakes, his leather jacket and fedora, there is even a kid for him to fight so its not weird if its an adult who is tryin to stab him. Am I missing anything? Then off to the boat. A cripple who has no problem walking because this boat is not rocking one iota. And a second later there is a constant tittle wave coming over the side?! Fast forward to when he is looking for the kinghts tomb and decides to light a torch. In a pool full of GAS! He also hides under an empty tomb to escape the fire?! The whole place would light up like a xmas tree!! This just the tips of the ice berg... After witnessing the arks power and a guys heart pulled out of his body would he really question the existence of the "cup"? I can go on and on with this! Lazy lazy lazy story telling.
ToD has its share of problems as well but at least we get the same IJ that we got from RAIDERS.
I might be the only one here but man do I have a problem with this depiction of Indiana Jones. If it wasn't for SC witty banter back and forth with his son this movie would completely blow! Worst than KCS. But then again every movie that came after RAIDERS drops significantly IMPO. Every other tittle should have Indiana Jones and the... Because it will guide you in the right direction. Watch the one with out! RotLA. That movie is SO SO SO BLOODY awesome!