Indy 4: May 2008

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What's the point if Indy's not running around fighting bad guys, going from one cliffhanger to the next? We got all the character study we needed in The Last Crusade.
I think Indy 4 will be The Phantom Menace all over again,a hugely anticipated film that will fail to live up to the previous films in just about every way.
I'd sure love to be proven wrong but after the shambles that were the Star Wars prequels I'm doubtful as to whether it can be done.
I had heard a LONG time ago that it was about the Roswell crash. Can't see taking that plot too far though. I really want to see Indy fight nazi's.....oh well.

As far as character pieces go......If I had to guess I would have to say that, as others have stated, Indy has a daughter(Natalie Portman) that he doesn't know about that he had with Marion and coming to terms with being a father. It would be the usual Hollywood stuff, His daughter not liking him, him coming to terms about having a child, they go on a hunt/adventure together, typical lines lines like" I don't need your help" "I can take care of myself" etc, etc...

Eventually they become chummy, and everything is great and a new franchise with Portman as "_______ Jones" is born. Millions and millions of dollars for everyone and collectibles and empty wallets for us!!!

Or it could just be about Indy battling the Gout in a retirement home...
That's my two cents
The Roswell story was the "Saucer Men From Mars" script. It was lame lame lame.

As for Portman as Missy Jones, I would never follow a spin-off franchise. If anything, Portman should play Mathilda the Cleaner in a sequel to Luc Besson's The Professional. I would see that.
dekadentdave said:
The Roswell story was the "Saucer Men From Mars" script. It was lame lame lame.

As for Portman as Missy Jones, I would never follow a spin-off franchise. If anything, Portman should play Mathilda the Cleaner in a sequel to Luc Besson's The Professional. I would see that.

Add me to that list!
Indy 4 should have been made in the mid-nineties, this seems more like Indy 5 to me... :monkey1
I'd be OK with Indy having a daughter show up in the film but if I ever hear that Ms. Portman is going to be in Indy 4 then my intrest in the movie will cease. She ruined much of the SW prequels with her alleged "acting" and IMO should be kept as far away from the Indiana Jones franchise as possible.
I don't know--I would blame that more on Lucas' "direction" than her acting abilities. I think that Spielberg directing Portman could produce some good results.
tomandshell said:
I don't know--I would blame that more on Lucas' "direction" than her acting abilities. I think that Spielberg directing Portman could produce some good results.

I agree. She's always been a bit of a flat actress, but if anyone could get a performance out of her it would be Steven.
Maybe it will be fun to see Indy all old and stuff! Think about it--a daring wheelchair chase down a treacherous mountain side! A shocking enemy attack on the nursing home! Indy racing to save his friends before his pacemaker blows up! Oh the thrills! Oh the excitement! This could be the most epic film yet!
Darklord Dave said:
Portman is a fine actress, you can't judge her from the SW movies.

I agree.... She's a very good actress, and fine as well..:naughty

Lucas just can't direct actors at all... that's always been his downfall. He's a visionary, directing he does... but not all that well.

Steven can direct actors and if he had Portman in a film... he could make it work. :rock
Presumably this means no decent Indy figures until 2009, that is to say, until Hasbro have released a couple of sub-standard 12" figures next summer to cash in on the movie, then relinquished it as a sub-licence to SSC once all the hype is gone?
Emotion Capture said:
Presumably this means no decent Indy figures until 2009, that is to say, until Hasbro have released a couple of sub-standard 12" figures next summer to cash in on the movie, then relinquished it as a sub-licence to SSC once all the hype is gone?

Probably -- although they may let SS have the ROTLA license... which is the only one I care about.

If the movie comes out, I'm sure we'll be flooded with Indy everything for a summer -- games, rereleased movies, toys, props, figures, vehicle sets... you all know the drill.
I think Lucas has already made the licensing deals, most of these are set at least a year in advance if not 2 to be triggered by the release of the Film of course...

and all I care about is the ROTLA stuff too...
bcm77 said:
I'd be OK with Indy having a daughter show up in the film but if I ever hear that Ms. Portman is going to be in Indy 4 then my intrest in the movie will cease. She ruined much of the SW prequels with her alleged "acting" and IMO should be kept as far away from the Indiana Jones franchise as possible.
She did not ruin SW prequels, Lucas did it. Nat is a good actress and Spielberg´s direction will prove it...
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tomandshell said:
Many are doubting that Harrison Ford can pull off the action scenes like he could back in the 80's. By calling it a character piece, Lucas is alerting us to the fact that it will be a lot more about the character of Indiana Jones and less about action and stunts and fight scenes. There will be a lot of character-based humor and adventure, but we will be less likely to see Indy fist fight a giant Nazi on an air strip.

Wasn't it just last year that Ford saved a bunch of cub-scouts stranded in the wilderness?!!!??

This mans REAL life is an adventure. I have no doubt he can pull of Indy 4 beautifully. :rock
pixletwin said:
Wasn't it just last year that Ford saved a bunch of cub-scouts stranded in the wilderness?!!!??

This mans REAL life is an adventure. I have no doubt he can pull of Indy 4 beautifully. :rock

I was just thinking the same thing pixletwin, Dr. Jones is an animal both in and out of character. And if Padme can nab a role, I can't wait for Indy IV. :rock2 :rock2 :rock2 :rock2