As long as there are no swinging monkeys. Last Indy movie was 20% good, 40% bad and rest WTF
I watched the last one the other day. I liked it. It felt like an Indymovie, but I didn't like that Indy was never in real danger. I am not bothered by the fridgescene. I thought it was a note to the audience, like "it's a movie, we're having fun with it".The gophers bother me and the constant lens flares..I loved the rough edge of the old movies. Furthermore I hated Mack and off course the monkeyscene, but a decent Indyflick...very enjoyable. Harrison is still Indy.
I hope Sean Connery will be back for the next one, but more like an addon, not in the main plot. Indy should be alone most of the time, but get help from exotic friends..remember "Wu Han's an old friend. Game's not over, Lao"? Indy has a lot of friends and I'd like to know more about his life and the places he has been.
gr Bbl
Sean Connery's character is dead. It is mentioned when Indy talks about about Marcus Brody early on in the film.
I know, but it is Hollywood
Its supposed to start shooting late next year.
Don't jump on me for this but would you guys be down for an Indy movie done in the style of the new Tintin movie? When I saw that trailer I got a very strong Indy vibe from it.
I don't think I could ever get behind a Indy movie that didn't have Ford and a Tintin like live capture movie seems like a good way of having a young Indy. just My opinion.
Don't jump on me for this but would you guys be down for an Indy movie done in the style of the new Tintin movie? When I saw that trailer I got a very strong Indy vibe from it.
I don't think I could ever get behind a Indy movie that didn't have Ford and a Tintin like live capture movie seems like a good way of having a young Indy. just My opinion.
Elsa is dead bro.
I thought the Ghostbusters guys sounded fine when for the video game recordings, despite the fact that they were representing much younger versions of themselves. I think the audience would be able to make that leap, and that the pros of having old man Ford voice as young Indy outweigh the cons.I would be down if HF voice acted it. Problem is he has an "old man voice" now, which would sound odd coming from young Indy.
I could live with another voice actor after hearing the quality of some of the Clone Wars voice actors and the guy that is voicing Po in the new Kung Fu Panda series, I couldn't beleive that wasn't Jack Black!