If I get the BR at Target, does it come with the book?
Those wanting a new lease on life for their DVD collections should look into Toshiba's new XD-E 500 upconverting player which is getting rave reviews for it's ability to make DVD's look nearly as good as Blu-Ray. I plan to pick up one and try it out in the near future.
Got my best buy exclusive today. I love the crystal skull it comes with. For those of you wondering, it's not actually attached to the base. It's balancing on a peg, but it feels pretty stable. But since it can be removed and looks to be about 1/4 scale, it will go great with your Indy PFs when they get here.
can some post pics of Sideshow's Gift Set? PLEASE!!!!!!I had to rent it today, I do not have my set yet.
I have read some reviews on this from AV sites and they state that it's not even close to blu ray like toshiba promises. They state that it's a good upconvert for the price but that there are better ones out there.
But hey if it is great let me know. Even though I have a Blu ray player, I still have tons of DVDs I don't ever plan on upgrading to Blu.
Can someone post pics of Sideshow's Gift Set? PLEASE!!!!!!I had to rent the DVD today. I do not have my set yet.