Interest: Enjoy the Little Things: 1/6 Spongy Delicious Yellow B@$t**d.

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Payments received for Mightyq and emarae, thanks!
As far as the pp fees go I think it's a matter of perspective. I go buy a new iPad, I pay the taxes, best buy doesn't. I know fees and taxes are 2 different things but I could just as easily add that dollar into the price and say "fees included!" But I'm more transparent than that.

Not that it matters to anyone that has not worked with me before but this is product being produced with. $10k printer setup, you're not going to get the same results on a $120 Epson at home. Aqueous inks in an ink jet absorb into the media and you lose resolution right off the top. I have no doubt anyone could print anything on Office Depot 'photo glossy paper', hand cut it and assemble, but you're not going to get near the quality. Design is what I have been doing professionally for going on 15 years, I live and breath it, it's not just a hobby.

As far as the price I can respect anyone's opinion about what they can afford or not. In this case, you strip away the amount that went into inks, media, a small piece towards the equipment payments, divide the rest by the time it takes to build one up, and I'm making less than a Burger King employee. As I have said before, this is a fun side thing my wife and I do, we break even in some instances and in others we might make a small profit. I also have never charged design fees. About 5 hours went into cleaning up the file used, rebuilding parts of the graphics to look sharper etc. Thats time lost, but I don't factor in to any of my pricing. To make any less on some of these projects and to actually lose money on them is not going to happen.

I'm not swimming in the dough on these projects guys. I love 1/6, I love these boards, and I love making cool stuff.

Probably way too much info, but it's like anything else in life, you get what you pay for.
There's a reason I have a couple dozen repeat customers who don't even ask for photo proofs anymore, they know the quality is there.

Will update the page 1 orders this afternoon

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As a fellow artist and 1/6 enthusiast, I can certainly appreciate your fine work and I think your prices are more than fair. I respect the time you put into your work and the quality of your products! You make these available to all of us and we should all just be thankful for that. At least you give us wonderful options as well to help us save a little money and most of all the option of whether we want to buy your product or not. At least you make them available when no one else really can! So I for one, thank you very much! :)
No ones knocking the quality, as Ive bought from you before. And I really dont have so much an issue with price. I just think if sellers are too cheap to pay their own fees, Id rather not do business. After all, if it wasnt for this forum, you might not have as much business. Selling on here is a privilidge, not a right. We all know that.....just not into cheaping out. Thats my opinion.

These look great and you shouldn't have to explain your pricing to anyone. If you are the best at something don't do it for free. Can't wait to get mine.
No ones knocking the quality, as Ive bought from you before. And I really dont have so much an issue with price. I just think if sellers are too cheap to pay their own fees, Id rather not do business. After all, if it wasnt for this forum, you might not have as much business. Selling on here is a privilidge, not a right. We all know that.....just not into cheaping out. Thats my opinion.

So your upset at having to stick an additional $1 on top of the asking price to cover the fees? With all due respect it's not Chris who look cheap here it's you...

Chris your work rocks it's worth every cent you charge put me down for a folded and assembled box will get payment across tonight
So your upset at having to stick an additional $1 on top of the asking price to cover the fees?

Chris your work rocks it's worth every cent you charge put me down for a folded and assembled box will get payment across tonight

No, not upset at all. Just my opinion that sellers should pay their own fees....the principal behind it. He does awesome work, no doubt. But I just have my opinion like everyone else.
In fact put me down for 2 folded and assembled Chris I'll pick up bigbawsmcgraws for him aswell
No, not upset at all. Just my opinion that sellers should pay their own fees....the principal behind it. He does awesome work, no doubt. But I just have my opinion like everyone else.

Well as mentioned, I can't take more of a hit than I do on what I feel are reasonable prices, considering all the back end work put into the projects that I don't factor into the prices. It's just like buying a new car, they are going to tell you "We'll knock off $3,000 with this rebate" but they will add $3,000 back into something else.

I could have just said "Finished boxes are $23, fees included!", you're still going to get hit with the fee one way or the other, but I think some people can appreciate the transparency and honesty. Is it better to know where the money is going, or pay the same amount and not know?

I have done repeat business with a lot of the customizers, painters and modelers on these boards and a lot of them ask me to cover the fee or to use the gift option, because the price for the goods they are asking for is the amount they need to make the project profitable, not the amount they need to ask minus a couple more dollars.

I'm not dog-piling on you by any means, just stating my reasoning just like you did, and I'm sorry we are not able to see eye to eye.