Interesting SSC "Star Wars" Product Stats

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Super Freak
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I am "working" from home today and got bored around lunchtime. So I decided to use Microsoft Excel to create a tracking spreadsheet for all of SSC's various Star Wars product lines.

Here are some quick statistical facts I thought some of you might be interested in:

* Of the 12 1:6 scaled figures announced so far, 7 are based on PT characters and 5 from the OT. There are 4 characters each from ROTJ and ROTS, 2 from TPM, 1 each from TESB & AOTC and none from ANH.

* The average price of the 1:6 figures is $59.57 (this includes Jabba The Hutt).

* The total retail price for one of each of the 12 (including SDCC Vader) is $714.88.

* The average price for 12" Accessory Packs is $85.99 and the total for all 3 is $257.97 (this is obviously skewed due to Jabba's Throne Environment)

* One of each of the 1:4 Premium Format figures (including SDCC '05 Luke) would run you $2,448.99 retail (plus shipping, of course). The average cost of each piece is $306.12.

* One of each of the 1:1 Busts would run you $1,748.99 retail.

* SSC Star Wars completists have ordered some $5,170.83 worth of product (plus tax, shipping) so far.

Okay, so don't shoot the messenger. :monkey5

Here is what I am tracking so far in my spreadsheet (in sortable colums):

Product Type (1/6, Accessory Pack, PF, Busts)
Themed Line (1/6 only)
Specific Film
SSC Exclusive/Inclusive Item(s)
SSC Retail price
Edition Sizes
Order Type (PPO or Inclusive)
Announce Sequence
Release (Month/Year)

Any other ideas on what could be tracked?
IrishJedi said:
Yeah, no kidding. Well, at least I found something rather "productive" to do when I was bored. :rotfl

I'm sure your boss would disagree :lol

That's OK, I've made lists of everything I own and everything I have on order in the past couple of weeks to keep track of everything easier.
tomandshell said:
You could track the percentage of board members who are going to wind up in the poor house as a result of these figures...
Not necessary. That is already determined to be at or near 100%.

All I can say is thank the maker I don't collect the PFs... I'd be totally f'd if that were the case!
Wor-Gar said:
Yes -- track what other lines are suffering as people cancel preorders to make room for more SW figures.

With all that is coming out, part of me is actually glad that the Apes line has dried up. :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1

I can't believe I just said that... LAWGIVER please forgive me!!!:monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2

As for the stats, I was wondering what Sideshow Star Wars 12" figure is from AOTC? Is it Kit Fisto, even though his head sculpt and robe are from ROTS? Is it because of the excluisve Droid head? Well, what if you got the regular, would it still be from AOTC? Tedious questions. I know but I just had to ask.

So where does SS Mace Windu fit in the "Trilogy stat" when he comes with BOTH lightsabers he had in the entire prequel trilogy? To make things even MORE confusing, he comes with a Jango helmet as an exclusive AND his arm stump from ROTS. Just asking... :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

On a side note, it's kind of sad to think there still hasn't been any 12" offerings from the film that started it all... the first Star Wars (I still can't seem to call it ANH!) On the other hand, the PF line has been QUITE busy with that particular film. Unfortunately, I don't collect that line!!!

I'm sure Sideshow will rectify that undersight soon.
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You're right. Technically, Kit Fisto and Mace Windu could each be classified as both AOTC and ROTS. But to keep the statistics free from any exceptions while still remaining accurate I decided to classify one as AOTC (Mace) and the other as ROTS (Kit). I based that decision on the notion that without the Jedi Robes (and espcially with the Jango Fett helmet) the Mace figure is clearly representative of AOTC while the head sculpt on Kit is much more ROTS than AOTC.
What's the edition size stats? (Have we even got numbers for the 12" Maul yet? :confused: )
Maybe OT versus PT, or something. (Bored at work too, but I write for a living, so no spreadsheet fun for me! :monkey2 )
I have all of the known edition sizes in there. What type of stat criteria are you looking for? Average edition size? Largest? Smallest? Total?
Nice job Irish. I've done stuff like this before myself when I've gotten bored doing stuff around the house or at work.
now I wish I had $5000 laying around in my bedsheet. :( :( . oh well, just get what a starving student can afford I suppose
Stats on Edition Sizes (obviously does not include Inclusive or TBA edition sizes):

* Largest overall 12" Edition Size (SSC Ex + Regular) : Han Solo: 10,000 total [Note: Bib Fortuna & Leia Boussh may both surpass this once Regular Edition sizes are announced]

* Smallest overall 12" Edition Size: Kit Fisto: 6,250

* Average 12" Exclusive Edition Size (does not include SSC Vader): 1,861

* Average 12" Regular Edition Size (includes SSC Vader): 6,875

* Total Amount of SSC SW 12" Announced So Far (does not include Inclusive Editions or TBA edition sizes): Exclusives: 16,750 | Regular: 55,000 | TOTAL: 71,750

* Average Total Edition Sizes for 12" OT Characters: 9,313 (Exclusives: 2,063 | Regular: 7,250)

* Average Edition Sizes for 12" PT Characters: 8,450 (Exclusives: 1,700 | Regular: 6,750 )

* Average 1:4 Premium Format (PF) Edition Sizes: 3,464 (Exclusives: 1,214 | Regular: 2,250 )
Can't believe blah Bib has a shot at the highest production number, while the best figure so far Kitt, has the lowest. Kitt is a awesome figure and will be a hole in alot of peoples collections later on, a key figure to pick up now.

And it is pretty sad that the smaller Sideshow lines are being cancelled at the expense of SW. People as why SS doesnt make this series any longer or go after that one, SW is going to be the answer.

I hop SW doesn't keep me from getting a T2 Sarrah Conner.
Can't believe blah Bib has a shot at the highest production number, while the best figure so far Kitt, has the lowest. Kitt is a awesome figure and will be a hole in alot of peoples collections later on, a key figure to pick up now.
I agree completely. I still think that Leia will wind up with a larger Regular Edition size than Bib, but yes... it's weird that he has such a larger edition size than so many superior figures. In fact, of all of the 1:6 figures announced so far Bib Fortuna is by far the one I am least excited about. I think his numbers were very inflated by SSC (and us collectors) going crazy over the whole Jabba's Palace environment.

I also agree that Kit Fisto is the best one yet and that many of those who passed on him will likely kick themselves eventually.